Voters beware of NAGR mailers

Published 10:02 am Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dear Editor,

It appears the NAGR (National Association of Gun Rights) is all hat and no cattle, just as I suspected pretty early on. Their strong suit is smearing, lying and distorting the truth. And what they’re doing to Sally Burchfield Doty is flat out wrong.

I hate I got hornswoggled by them, but not too proud to admit that I was duped by their façade … that is, until this ordeal caused me to start doing some digging, instead of taking the NAGR at face value, like I had been doing, and as many are still doing, unfortunately.

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I used to think the NAGR was cool, but not any more. I will no longer support them and won’t contribute to them, nor buy anything from them or through them. I’m done with ‘em.

Right is right. And wrong is wrong.


Bobby Richardson


Tragedy should not be a time for politics

To whom it may concern:

We would like to send our sincere thoughts to Sen. Sally Doty. In our time of bereavement, we feel like you used this time to politic, instead of being a concerned citizen showing concern for the loss of our sister Bridget and our community. Our loss was not about politics.

The prayer vigil and march was about our sister Bridget and the heartbreaking violence that has been going on in our community. We feel you used this particular situation to promote yourself and your campaign for re-election as senator to the black community. We feel that you should have put politics aside and just been a concerned citizen.

Your Democratic opponent Michael Smith is our cousin, and he did not come to us as a politician. He came as a family member and concerned citizen for this community. He prayed with us and fed us. He opened up his home to us. He is concerned about all the lives lost due to acts of violence in the Brookhaven community. Where were you when all the other families suffered loss of their loved ones and they were going through what we are experiencing now? Our family feels that you overstepped your bounds and embarrassed yourself and our family.

We want to thank the community for their outpouring of love, prayers, many acts of kindness and support shown to our family during this difficult time. Whatever you did, it is greatly appreciated.


Johnny London and the London Family