Lady Wolves finish second

Published 5:00 am Monday, May 8, 2000

DECATUR, Ala. – The Copiah-Lincoln Community College Lady Wolvestook second place in the Nationals after falling to Calhoun (Ala.)8-3 in the championship game Saturday. The Lady Wolves finish theseason 32-16.

DECATUR, Ala. – The Copiah-Lincoln Community College Lady Wolvestook second place in the Nationals after falling to Calhoun (Ala.)8-3 in the championship game Saturday. The Lady Wolves finish theseason 32-16.

According to Co-Lin coach David Smith, “this was the highestfinish ever for a Co-Lin softball team ever. It was a great way tofinish off the season. This was a great group to coach. It’s sad tosee such a popular sport for our area be terminated. We lookforward to the challenge of fast pitch in 2001. Our girls are proudto say they finished second in the nation the last year the gamewas played at the college level.”

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In the other tournament games, Co-Lin got revenge and eliminatedGulf Coast 13-8, neat Snead (Ala.) 10-6 and fell to Calhoun 12-5 inthe first game of the tournament.

Calhoun 8, Co-Lin 3

In the championship game, Co-Lin got two singles apiecefrom Melanie Fairchild, Tamara West, Stephanie Brown and JamieErrington. Tammy Case, Kit Brashier, Rusti Smith and Amanda Basssingled.

Co-Lin 13, Gulf Coast 8

In the second win of the tournament, the Lady Wolvesavenged two losses to Gulf Coast in the state tournament. Brashierdoubled twice and singled. Christi Wallace and Bass doubled andtripled apiece. Hitting a pair of singles apiece were Case, Smithand Brown. Singles were made by Sarah Reynolds, Fairchild, West,Bobbi Henry, Tamekia Ratcliff and Errington.

Co-Lin 10, Snead 6

The Lady Wolves first victory came over Snead. Brashierand Reynolds tripled and singled. Smith also hit a triple. Bass andCase collected a double and a single apiece. West also doubled.Wallace singled twice. Ratcliff and Brown hit safely.

Calhoun 12, Co-Lin 5

In the first game, Calhoun jumped out to quick 9-0 leadover Co-Lin after two innings. Bass drilled three hits for the LadyWolves. Collecting two hits apiece were Wallace and Case.Fairchild, Jennifer Delaughter, West, Ratcliff, Errington andMelanie Ainsworth singled.

Tryouts for Co-Lin’s fast-pitch softball team will beheld Thursday, May 11, at the Lady Wolves softball field beginningat 3 p.m.