First-time entrant wins ‘Wood Spoon’ title

Published 5:00 am Friday, June 23, 2000

A newcomer to the DAILY LEADER Wooden Spoon Cookbook Contest hascaptured the $300 grand prize this year.

A newcomer to the DAILY LEADER Wooden Spoon Cookbook Contest hascaptured the $300 grand prize this year.

A surprised Linda Griffith of Monticello was named the topwinner for her “Linda’s Squash ’em up Crawfish” Thursday night in areception at the Episcopal Church Parish House. Her name will beadded to the list of over 20 other overall winners in thecookbook’s history.

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“I did not think I would win overall. There are a lot of goodcooks in the contest and always a lot of good recipes,” shesaid.

This is Griffith’s first year to enter the Wooden Spoon contest.Her “Linda’s Squash ’em up Crawfish” is an original, createdentirely by her.

“My family loves it,” said Griffith. “Whenever I fix it, it’sgone by the time everybody gets a serving.”

Griffith’s winning recipe was selected from over 150 overallrecipes and 26 finalists’ dishes in the 23rd annual contest. Her”Sourdough Bread Pudding” was also a finalist in the Desserts andSweets Category.

She plans to use the $300 prize to improve her kitchen and treather family.

“I’m going to spend some of it on my children and mygrandchildren, and my husband and I may go out for a meal,” shesaid.

Her family, she said, has been her biggest supporters.

“I appreciate my husband, children and grandchildren for alltheir tasting and saying they enjoyed my meals,” she said.

A former five-year home economics student, Griffith credits herhome economics teacher, her late mother and mother-in-law forteaching her to be the cook she is today.

Griffith has been married for 34 years to Gary Griffith. Theyhave three children, sons, Jimmy, 32, and Darren, 28; and daughter,Amy, 22. She has five grandchildren, Ariel, 7; Amanda, 5; Skylar,3; Kyle, 19 months; and Austin, 18 months. She is a homemaker.

Other winners were just as excited as Griffith.

Veronica Richardson is the first place winner in the Appetizercategory with her “Mushroom Bisque”.

Other finalists in the Appetizer category were Zenus Owens for”French Fried Cauliflower”; Janice Holmes for “Hawaiian Hot LoafDip”; and Cecelia Barlow for “Snow-Capped Egg Mold”.

Category winner in the Soups, Salads and Fruits category is JuneDow for her “Spinach Salad”.

Other finalists in that category were Zenus Owens for “BananaSplit Salad”; Ginny Shirley for “Pecos Chicken-Cornbread Salad”;and Cecelia Barlow for “Black-Eyed Pea Salad”.

Winner of the Main Dish category is Cecelia Barlow with herdelicious “Peachy Smoked Pork Roast”. Other finalists in thecategory are “Braciole (Beef Rolls)” entered by Mrs. Max Ford;”Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Broccoli, Bacon and Cheddar” enteredby Zenus Owens; and “Catfish Pontchartrain” entered by Mary LouHall.

Griffith is the winner of the Vegetable category with her simplywonderful “Linda’s Squash ’em up Crawfish”. Other finalists in thevegetable category were Ginny Shirley with her “Southwest Grits”;Ken Chapman with his “Senator’s Favorite Sweet Potatoes”; and Mrs.Max Ford with her “Stewed White Beans”.

Winner of Desserts and Sweets with “Strawberry Baked Alaska” isZenus Owens. Other finalists are Mary Lou Hall with “Upside DownPecan Apple Pie”; Marie Bilbo with “Peanut Butter Pie”; GinnyShirley with “Caribbean Truffle Pie”; and Linda Griffith with”Sourdough Bread Pudding”.

Owens’ Strawberry Baked Alaska recipe was also chosen as thewinner of the annual “Chucky” Award, which is given yearly to thefavorite entry of The DAILY LEADER’s Publisher Emeritus, ChuckJacobs.

Mrs. Max Ford won in the Breads and Rolls category with herunique “Hawaiian Loaf”. The other finalist was Margaret Hammondwith her “Bacon-Dill Scones”.

Winner in the For Your Health category is Faye A. Bein with”Garden Cheese Ball”. Other finalists were Celeste Ward with”Chicken Waldorf Salad”; and Mrs. Max Ford with “Salsa TunaSalad”.

Kids Cuisine winner was Linda Phillips with “Cheesy Chicken andVegetable Soup.” Her “Baked Chicken Sandwiches” was also a finalistin the category.

This year, the winner of The DAILY LEADER Employee category isGeri Jinks with “Apple Cherry Cake”.

For 23 years, The DAILY LEADER has enjoyed sharing these recipeswith its readers by publishing the cookbook. This year, without adoubt, we share with our readers a most outstanding selection ofrecipes in all categories.

All category winners received $50 prize money from The DAILYLEADER and numerous gifts and gift certificates graciously donatedby area merchants.