Published 5:00 am Monday, June 26, 2000
Proby C. Emfinger
Services for Proby C. Emfinger of Natchez were 2 p.m., Saturday,June 24, at Franklin Funeral Home Chapel with burial in SareptaBaptist Church Cemetery.
Mr. Emfinger, 78, died Thursday, June 22, 2000, at hisresidence. He was born in Franklin County on June 17, 1922, to thelate Carley and Seleta Prather Enfinger.
He was retired from IP Paper Mill in Natchez. He was a member ofCalvary Baptist Church.
Preceding him in death were his daughter and two brothers.
Survivors are his sons, Wesley Emfinger of Franklin, Tenn., andDavid Emfinger of Mangham, La.; his daughter, Edith Leist ofBrookhaven; his brother, Ellis Emfinger of Fayette; sixgrandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
William Tommy Tamksley
Services for William Tommy Tanksley of Monticello were 3 p.m.,Saturday, June 24, at Sauls Valley Baptist Church in Jayess withburial in the church cemetery.
Mr. Tanksley, 78, died Wednesday, June 21, 2000, at LawrenceCounty Hospital in Monticello of a snake bite. He was born inLawrence County on August 3, 1921, to the late William Leon andRilla Givens Tanksley.
He was a farmer. He was a member and Sunday School teacher, aswell as an active deacon at Sauls Valley Baptist Church. He was amaster Mason with the Jayess Lodge #501. He was a veteran ofWWII.
Preceding him in death were his infant son, Donald Tanksley; hisinfant daughter, Irene Tanksley; his brother, Wayne Tanksley; andhis sister, Dezzie Jones.
Survivors are his son, Bobby Wayne Tanksley of Pearl; hisdaughter, Carol Keyes of the Sauls Valley Community; his brother,Lee Tanksley of the Pine Grove Community; seven grandchildren; andthree great-grandchildren.