Topeka Fire Station goes up in smoke
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 17, 2000
MONTICELLO — State and local fire investigators are working todetermine the cause of a fire that destroyed the Topeka VolunteerFire Department during the weekend.
State and county fire investigators were on the scene Sundaysurveying the damage to the fire department, but declined tocomment on a possible cause. It remains under investigation.
The fire was reported at 2:21 a.m. Sunday by a passing motorist,according to Lawrence County Fire Coordinator Robert Patterson. Itwas fully engulfed at the time of the call.
Fire departments throughout the area responded, but were unableto save the structure or its contents. Patterson said Topeka losttwo trucks, a rescue van and a four-wheel drive pickup used forwoods fires, as well as all their equipment. One truck that burnedwas only recently purchased.
“If anyone has any equipment to lend, they need it,” Pattersonsaid. “They don’t have a nose, a nozzle, anything. Some departmentsaround here are gathering up what they can, but (Topeka’s) back tosquare one. They ain’t got nothing.”
Silver Creek and Tri-Community Volunteer Fire Departments haveboth loaned Topeka the use of a truck until they can replacetheirs, Patterson said, and Lincoln and Copiah counties have plansto help as well.
In the meantime, Patterson said, area fire departments havevolunteered to help cover Topeka’s district.
“Walthall and Lincoln counties have promised to extend theirrange to help us,” Patterson said.
The northwest portion of Topeka’s district remains secure. Theyare covered from the substation at Center, which was unharmed andis fully serviceable. Center Volunteer Fire Department will serveas Topeka’s headquarters until the station is rebuilt.
Patterson said he and Topeka appreciate the support receivedSunday from the many responding fire departments. Respondingdepartments included Monticello Fire Department and Center,Oakvale, Sartinville, Salem, East Lincoln and Ruth volunteer firedepartments.
Topeka Fire Chief Royce Renfroe was unavailable for comment.