Land sale OK’d for new industry
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 16, 2000
A new industry is a step closer to locating in the IndustrialPark after Brookhaven officials approved the sale of about threeacres of land Tuesday night.
A new industry is a step closer to locating in the IndustrialPark after Brookhaven officials approved the sale of about threeacres of land Tuesday night.
Chandler Russ, executive vice-president of theBrookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce, said Winway, LLC,owned by Jeff Winders and Danny Dunaway, wants to locate acommercial and industrial cabinet making business in the industrialpark. The property in question is at the corner of WestManufacturers Boulevard and Industrial Park Road.
“It’s a good, small manufacturing facility that’s going to putsome people to work,” Russ said.
Initially, the facility will be 15,000 square feet and employabout 15. Russ said there is the potential to double facility sizeand employee totals.
Russ said site clearing and construction was expected to beginin about two months. An opening date was not known, but Russexpected it to be in operation in six to eight months.
In other business Tuesday, aldermen approved a $280,000supplemental agreement to extend water services to the new NationalGuard Armory, which is under construction on Highway 84.
“They are getting in need of water,” said Derrick Tucker, withEngineering Associates.
The money for the project is expected to come from remainingwater and sewer revenue bond issue funds needed for supplyingSpecialty Minerals with water and sewer services. Tucker said theagreement would speed up work on the armory water situation.
“This could shave up to 45 days off construction time,” Tuckersaid.
Tucker said engineers had been waiting on word about countyefforts to get a grant for a new water well in the area of thearmory. He said grant approval was not known, but the city neededto move on with the water service.
“The water main has to go. You have to provide water to thearmory,” Tucker said.
In continuing airport matters, City Attorney Joe Fernaldpresented aldermen with a proposal for the city to operate thefacility.
Fernald said powers of the board in running the airport had notbeen listed yet and a point of contention was the size of avolunteer advisory board for the airport. He suggested aldermenreview the proposal and contact him with recommendations before theboard approves the ordinance.
Also, Airport Manager Benton Furlow urged aldermen to considerplacing a courtesy vehicle at the airport for waiting pilots touse. He mentioned two incidents Tuesday where he loaned hispersonal vehicle to pilots so they could come to town forlunch.
“We need to desperately get some kind of vehicle at theairport,” Furlow said.
In another ordinance matter, Fernald gave aldermen a proposedlaw to prohibit handbills, cards, circulars and advertisements frombeing placed on vehicles, businesses and homes without permissionof the owner.
“It’s a blanket prohibition against all of it,” Fernaldsaid.
Aldermen did not act on the proposal but may adopt it at afuture meeting.
In an executive session for personnel reasons, city officialsdiscussed work performance of a cemetery department employee. Noaction on the personnel matter was taken after the session.
Finally, aldermen approved $600 to assist with SpecialtyMinerals’ open house activities in September. Russ and Mayor BillGodbold said SMI is bringing over 90 people from around the countryfor the open house and reception at the new facility in theIndustrial Park.
“It’s a real good opportunity to showcase Brookhaven and LincolnCounty,” Russ said.