Three juveniles charged with having gun at school
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 23, 2000
Two juveniles were taken into custody Tuesday night and a thirdWednesday morning after the youths were reported to have a firearmin their possession at Loyd Star Attendance Center.
“We had a little problem with some of the students around 9 p.m.last night,” said Lincoln County Sheriff Lynn Boyte.
The juveniles apparently had possession of a 25-millimeterautomatic pistol during the “Meet the Hornets” event at theschool’s football field, Boyte said. An investigation into theincident has begun, but authorities said details concerning thestudents’ purpose are sketchy at this point.
“I don’t know enough about it yet to know if anybody wasintimidating anyone,” said Boyte.
Students who witnessed the gun allegedly being brandished, alongwith the three juveniles, will be questioned by authorities todayin order to find out more details, Boyte said.
Authorities said no shots were fired and there were no injuriesduring the incident.
The three juveniles are being held in the Pike County JuvenileDetention Center.