Qualifying deadlines Saturday
Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 7, 2000
As the qualifying deadline approaches, candidates are lining upto have their names on the November ballot for two Lincoln CountySchool District Board of Trustees posts and five county electioncommissioner offices.
“Friday is the deadline for people to qualify to run for thoseoffices,” said Lincoln County Circuit Clerk Terry Lynn Case.
To run for office, a person must submit a petition with thenames of 50 registered voters from the district the person isseeking to represent. The rules apply to qualifying for bothelection commissioner and school board posts, Case said.
Qualifying for the school board posts promises two contestedraces in the districts representing District 1-Enterprise andDistrict 2-Loyd Star.
In District 1, Bryan Kyzar has qualified to run againstincumbent Jerry Coon. Kyzar, a 1996 graduate of Enterprise, and theschool district recently reached an out of court settlement in alawsuit Kyzar filed after a questionable package addressed to himwas opened by school officials.
In District 2, Johnny L. Hart and Jo Beth Thompson havequalified to seek the office currently held by Randall Lofton.Lofton, who signed Hart’s qualifying petition, has not submitted apetition to run.
Case said four of the five incumbent election commissioners havesubmitted petitions to run for office.
John Hightower, District 1; Mike Byrne, District 2; BernardMcClelland, District 3 and Lee Warren, District 5, are qualified torun and they have no opponents in their races, Case said. CharlesSmith, District 4 election commissioner, has picked up a petitionto run but so far has not returned it, Case said.