United Way agencies in spotlight Thursday

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 12, 2000

A fundraising effort to benefit numerous local agencies willofficially begin Thursday morning.

The United Way kickoff breakfast is set for 7:30 Thursday atWestern Sizzlin. Many of the 22 agencies that will receive fundsfrom United Way will be on hand with information booths, saidLincoln County’s United Way President Danita Hobbs.

“Our goal this year is to inform the public about what UnitedWay does,” added Hobbs. “We hope we can encourage people by showingthem what they’re donating to.”

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Local agencies that will receive donations from United Way thisyear include Boy Scouts, Brookhaven Recreation Department,Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Southwest Mental Health, UnitedServices Organization, Girl Scouts, American Red Cross, BoswellGroup Home, Boys and Girls Club, 4-H, Outreach Ministries,Brookhaven Food Pantry, Lincoln County United Way Emergency ReliefAgency, Widows & Orphans Center, Guardian Shelter for BatteredFamilies, Bogue Chitto-Lincoln County Community Development Center,ROTAP (Reaching Out To Another Person), Brookhaven Beautiful,Sunshine Shelter and Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln County.

The goal has been set at $178,000, which is $5,000 more thanlast year’s fundraising goal.

United Way of Lincoln County surpassed its goal last year witharound $208,000 being raised.

“People are very generous with helping United Way,” said Hobbs.”We’ve been fortunate in the past, and hopefully we will be thisyear in raising more than our goal, so we can give them (localagencies) more.”

The funds are given according to need. A United Way committeeviews agencies’ requests each year.

“We look to see how and where the money is spent,” said Hobbs,who has been involved with United Way for many years.

The fundraising effort, which begins Thursday and ends duringthe first week of November, consists of committee membersrequesting donations from area businesses, industries, schools andindividuals.

The majority of the funds will go straight to local agencies.Hobbs said 98 cents of every dollar will be spent in LincolnCounty. She believes the local benefits are what makes United Way’sfundraising efforts so successful every year.

She hopes the public will attend the kickoff breakfast Thursdayand visit with representatives of local agencies to find out howmany beneficial activities are possible because of United Waydonations.

“If anybody is truly interested in finding out what United Waydoes, we would certainly like to have them come,” said Hobbs.

Anyone seeking further information should call 833-7549.