Thorne captures first in Ole Brook 5K Run
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 9, 2000
Mark Thorne of Jackson ran to victory Saturday morning in theOle Brook 5K Run.
Mark Thorne of Jackson ran to victory Saturday morning in theOle Brook 5K Run. Thorne, a 33-year-old veteran, posted a time of16:48 in the 3.1-mile course which wound through residentialBrookhaven.
Don Curtis of Utica was the second male to cross the finishline, with a time of 18:11 and won the Masters Men title. JeffreyRobinson of Bogue Chitto was third in in 18:55.
Lisa Payton of Madison was the overall winner in the women’sdivision with a time of 22:30. Susan Landry of Jackson was secondin 23:19. Jessica Graham of Wesson won the women’s 20-24 divisionin 26:41.
Brookhaven had several division winners in the 5K run. Dr. DavidCarner won the Grand Masters men’s title in 21:21. Domenick DiPaolowon the 15-19 division in 22:10 and Tim Cunningham the 20-24 titlein 28:31. Richard Barker won the 35-39 division in 25:04 and Dr.Steve Mills of Bogue Chitto won the 40-44 in 21:47. Johnny Rainerwon 50-54 in 21:30 and Bobby Bowton won 60-64 in 23:54.
In an impressive finish, 78-year-old Robert Church of Jayesscompleted the race in 37:18.
Mike Renfroe of Vicksburg won the men’s 5K Walk in 26:46. DebbieCheney of Vicksburg won the women’s division 26:06.
In the One Mile Run, Betsy Lynch of Brookhaven won the femaletitle in 6:48. Rocky Shores of McComb won the boys title in6:19.
Overall Men: Mark Thornton, 16.48. Overall Women: Lisa Payton,22:30. Masters Men: Don Curtis, 18.22. Masters Women: Amy Keywood,24:50. Grand Masters Men: David Carner, 21:21. Grand Masters Women:Cathy Ward, 26:14.
Men 14-under: Jay Keywood, 20:20. Men 15-19: Domenick DiPaolo,22:10. Men 20-24: Tim Cunningham, 28:31. Men 25-29: Brad Hodges,22:15. Men 30-34: Jody Maehu 21:15. Men 35-39: Richard Barker,25:04. Men 40-44: Steve Mills, 21:47. Men 45-49: Ron Payton, 19:17.Men 50-54: Johnny Rainer, 21:30. Men 55-59: Harvey Dortch, 23:30.Men 60-64: Bobby Bowton, 23:54. Men 65-over: Jim Myrick 22: 40.
Women 14-under: Ginny Dancsisin, 37:07. Women 20-24: JessicaGraham, 26:41. Women 25-29: Susan Landry, 23:19. Women 30-34: JudyKing, 27:25. Women 35-39: Brenda Smith, 27:19. Women 40-44: MargieHughes, 28:58. Women 45-49: Jerri Dear-Wallace, 28:28. Women 50-54:Donna Brown, 28:16.
Overall Women: Debbie Cheney, 26:06. Women 19-under: SaunreeLawson, 44:03. Women 20-29: Valerie Ward, 44:07. Women 30-39:Martha Smith, 38:46. Women 40-49: Mary Ward, 38:02. Women 50-59: JoR. Baker, 41:16. Women 60-over: Martha Keenum, 35:45.
Overall Men: Mike Renfroe, 26:46. Men 40-49: Curtis Fancher,32:23. Men 50-59: Larry Sykes, 30:13. 60-over: Buddy McCraine,38:54.
Overall Male: Rocky Shores, 6:19. Male 8-9: LaKendrick Harrell7:45; Male 12-13: T-Boy Lunch, 7:01.
Overall Female: Betsy Lynch, 6:48. Female 6-7: Lillie Montalvo,10:31. Female 8-9: Brittany Harrell, 7:34. Female 10-11: GeorgiaRae Rainer, 9:09.