N. Pike tops Lady Panthers
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Home runs by Candi Cockerham and Heather Alexander led the NorthPike Lady Jaguars to an 18-12 Monday night win over Brookhaven’sLady Panthers.
Home runs by Candi Cockerham and Heather Alexander led the NorthPike Lady Jaguars to an 18-12 Monday night win over Brookhaven’sLady Panthers. Alexander went 4-for-5 at the Brookhaven SportsComplex as the Lady Jaguars raised their record to 21-8 on theseason.
North Pike, coached by Sonya Wallace, hosts a first round seriesof the Class 3A state playoffs Thursday. The Lady Jags will playMagee in a best-of-three series, starting at 6 p.m.
North Pike hosts West Lincoln tonight, starting at 6 with a JVgame.
Winning pitcher Brandy Hamilton, Holey Boyd, Brittany Alexander,Eric Boyd and Amy Dickerson had 2 his for North Pike.
Brookhaven (14-15), coached by Lisa Covington, got a double anda triple from Juliana Wallace. Chiquita Rancifer had 3 hits. AngelaDeLaughter tripled. Two hits were furnished by Cortney Fielder,Kayla Allen and Erica Wallace. Shamika Gilmore, Erin Lyons andLindsey Marble singled.
In the JV game, Brookhaven lost 6-5 as Kirsten Boyd andCasey Dickerson had 2 hits for North Pike.
Leading Brookhaven was Chuvaquah Smith with a triple and2 singles. Samantha Boutwell homered. Kensey Hoff and ShamikaGilmore singled twice. Mandy Vinson, Kristina Wallace and TaylorCrane also hit safely.