Published 6:00 am Friday, November 10, 2000


Georgia Aleene Honea

Services for Georgia Aleene Honea of Gonzales, La., are 1 p.m.,Saturday, Nov. 11, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial in theMasonic Cemetery in Monticello.

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Visitation is Friday, Nov. 10, from 4-9 p.m. at Wilson FuneralHome.

Mrs. Honea, 86, died Nov. 8, 2000, at Baton Rouge GeneralMedical Center-Bluebonnet. She was born in Monticello on Oct. 10,1914, to David Samuel and Mary Elizabeth Jones Walker.

She was a homemaker. She was a member of Istrouma BaptistChurch.

Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, CarlHonea; her son, Billy D. Honea; a sister and a brother.

Survivors are her sons, Carl Honea of Prairieville, La., andThomas Honea of Gonzales, La.; her daughter, Pat Patten ofMonticello; her sister, Ruby Broome of Holden, La., and Bill Wilsonof Baker, La.; and 10 grandchildren and sevengreat-grandchildren.

James Miles King

Services for James Miles King of Jayess were 10 a.m., Friday,Nov. 10, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial in New HopeBaptist Church Cemetery.

Mr. King, 84, died Nov. 8, 2000, of heart failure at LawrenceCounty Hospital. He was born in Lawrence County on Nov. 6, 1916, toSam Morgan and Angie Williams King.

He was a retired farmer. He was a member of the Pentecostalfaith.

Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, CarleneWallace King; his brothers, Sam, Joe, Shirley, and Ernest King; andhis sisters, Florence Blackwell, Adda Mae Lambert, Sally Sumrall,and Ella Mae Thames.

Survivors are his sons, Sidney King of Monticello, and ReggieKing and Jimmy King, both of Vicksburg; his daughter, Anita Lambertof Monticello; his brother, Bob King of Monticello; his sisters,Katie Beard of North Carolina and Alice Thompson of Bogue Chitto;and nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Paul E. Thompson

Services for Paul E. Thompson of Hazlehurst are 11 a.m.,Saturday, Nov. 11, at Harrigill Funeral Home Chapel with burial inWellman Baptist Church Cemetery.

Visitation is Friday, Nov. 10, from 4-10 p.m. at HarrigillFuneral Home.

Mr. Thompson, 69, died Nov. 9, 2000, of heart failure at PineCrest Nursing Home in Hazlehurst. He was born in Walthall County onJuly 21, 1931, to Fred Thompson and Pearl Delaughter Thompson.

He was a county worker. He was a member of the Baptist faith. Hewas a veteran of WWII.

Preceding him in death were his parents, his brother, E. J.Thompson; and his sister, Winnie Bell Reeves.

Survivors are his brothers, Willie M. Thompson of Bogue Chittoand Norris Thompson of Monticello; his sister, Lois Smith of BogueChitto; and a host of nieces and nephews.

Robert Glenn Turnage

Services for Robert Glenn Turnage of Silver Creek are 10 a.m.,Saturday, Nov. 11, at Monticello United Methodist Church withburial in Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery.

Visitation is Friday, Nov. 10, from 5-8 p.m. at Wilson FuneralHome.

Mr. Turnage, 76, died Nov. 9, 2000, of heart failure at V.A.Medical Center in Jackson. He was born in New Hebron on April 7,1924, to Jesse Vander and Elizabeth Smith Turnage.

He was an attorney and former Lawrence County prosecutor. He wasa member of Monticello United Methodist Church. He was a member ofthe Mississippi Bar Association and a former member of MississippiTrial Lawyers Association of Mississippi. He was a Mason. He was amember of the VFW.

Preceding him in death were his parents; his son, Charles RalphTurnage; his brothers, John Neal Turnage and Jesse Vander Turnage;and his sister, Laura Louise Lea.

Survivors are his wife, Laura Hartzog Turnage of Silver Creek;his sons, Robert Glen Turnage Jr. of New Hebron, and Albert Turnageand Timothy Andrew Turnage, both of Silver Creek; his stepsons,Robert Mitchell Sanders and Monty Sanders, both of Silver Creek;his daughter, Rebecca Turnage Mizell of Franklinton, La.; hisstepdaughter, Sherry Roberts of Monticello; his sister, GraceUnderwood of Cherokee, N.C.; and 10 grandchildren and twogreat-grandchildren.

Jansen Edward Wright

Services for Jansen Edward Wright of Brookhaven are 2 p.m.,Saturday, Nov. 11, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial inRiverwood Memorial Park.

Visitation is Friday, Nov. 10, from 5-9 p.m. at BrookhavenFuneral Home.

Mr. Wright, 6, died Nov. 8. 2000, of injuries sustained in anautomobile accident in Brandon. He was born in Brookhaven on April5, 1994, to Jimmy Wright and Julie Beeson Wright.

He was a student. He was a member of First Baptist Church.

Preceding him in death were his grandfather, Charles EdwardWright; and his great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright, JackNelson, Hugh Beeson, and Marie and James Boling.

Survivors are his parents, Jimmy and Julie Wright of Brookhaven;his grandparents, Sonny and Linda Beeson of Brookhaven and MaryJane Wright of Terry; his great-grandparents, Hester Beeson ofBrookhaven and Esther Nelson of Evansville, Ind.; his brother,Jameson Wright of Brookhaven; his sister, Jenna Wright ofBrookhaven; and a host of aunts, uncles and other relatives.