Hometown grand prize given Friday

Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 14, 2000

A Brookhaven woman has a little more help this year with herlast-minute Christmas shopping.

Deanne Allgood gained $200 for Christmas gifts this week whenshe became the seventh winner in the DAILY LEADER’s HometownChristmas promotion.

“It will sure help me a lot,” said Allgood. “It’s justwonderful.”

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Allgood, who said she has never won anything significant beforethe Hometown Bucks, was surprised that last week’s shopping tripresulted in such good news.

“I had gone into Lofton’s to buy my daughter’s Girl Scoutoutfit, and I registered,” she said. “I was so excited to win.”

She plans to put the Hometown Bucks to good use soon, byshopping in the Brookhaven area for her family and friends.

“I’m going to use it to buy the rest of my Christmas,” saidAllgood. “I just have a few things left to buy.”

She and her husband, Henry, have two children: Ashley, 10, andAustin, 2.

Allgood can spend her Hometown Bucks at any of the participatingmerchants:

* Bank of Brookhaven

* Beyond the Rainbow

* Brookhaven Music and Sound

* Brookwood Gifts and Antiques

* Lofton’s Sporting Goods

* Millane’s

* Rushing Boots and Shoe Shop

* Shipp’s Florist

* Susan’s Shoppe

* T.H. Perkins Furniture Company

* Trustmark National Bank

* Walls Lumber and Supply Company

The 10th Annual Hometown Christmas is an effort of the DAILYLEADER and area merchants to encourage shoppers to buy locally inorder to benefit the community.

Shoppers may register at any of the participating merchants byusing the special entry forms and boxes on display. Shoppers mayenter as many times as they would like.

There is only one more drawing this year, and it is for thegrand prize of $600 in Hometown Bucks on Friday, Dec. 15.

Employees of the DAILY LEADER are not eligible to win. Employeesof participating merchants may not register at their respectivebusiness, but they may register at any of the other participatingbusinesses.