Brookhaven sweeps Mendenhall in tripleheader
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 17, 2001
Senior forward Nikki Blakely scored a game-high 21 points tolead the Brookhaven Lady Panthers to a 63-46 win over theMendenhall Lady Tigers Tuesday night. The Sinclair Gymasium crowdsaw the Lady Panthers avenge an earlier 60-59 loss to Mendenhall onNov. 14.
In the varsity boys game, a 16-2 run by Brookhaven in the secondquarter sparked the Panthers to a 57-41 victory over the MendenhallTigers.
In the JV game, Brookhaven downed Mendenhall 54-39.
Brookhaven will host the 2001 Brookhaven/Coca-Cola Classic,which begins tonight at 5 p.m. The Lady Panthers will play thewinner of Bogue Chitto/Loyd Star Thursday night at 8:30, while thePanthers will play the Bogue Chitto/Hazlehurst winner Friday at8:30 p.m.
The Lady Panthers (12-8) responded well after their loss toPurvis last Saturday. Brookhaven jetted to leads of 22-10 after thefirst period and 41-21 at the half. Sophomore point guard AneidraStanton was the catalyst in the first half, picking off numerousMendenhall passes and converting them into points.
“We played pretty well in the first half,” said Brookhaven girlshead coach Ronald Gill. “Aneidra (Stanton) had a real good firsthalf.” Stanton finished with 12 points and 5 steals.
Mendenhall (6-17), coached by Archie Skiffer, would open thethird quarter with a barrage of 3-point baskets. The Lady Tigerscut the deficit to 13 points, 47-33, midway through the period.
Blakely, who finished with nine rebounds, and forward ShamekaGilmore would combine for 13 points in the quarter. The LadyPanthers entertained a 51-39 lead entering the fourth quarter.
“We did not come out with the same intensity in the secondhalf,” said Gill.
Julianna Wallace grabbed 11 rebounds to lead the Lady Pantherson the backboards.
The Panthers (20-4) reached the 20-win plateau for the fifthtime in six years under the direction of head coach PrestonWilson
“It feels good to get No. 20 and it was a good win,” said Wilsonfollowing the game. “We still need to make better decisions withthe basketball.”
The win enabled Brookhaven to sweep the season series with theTigers. The Panthers edged Mendenhall 53-49 on Nov. 14.
Both teams were relentless on the offensive boards, but neithercould convert them into points. Brookhaven only led 12-11 after oneperiod but a 16-2 Panther run in the second quarter lifted them toa 28-13 lead at halftime.
Panther forward Fred Mackabee scored 12 of his team-high 17points in the first half.
“Brookhaven’s press was the difference in the game,” said firstyear Tiger head coach Ken Barron. “They also have a deepbench.”
Mendenhall (18-7) put together a 17-11 third quarter to cut thelead to 39-30 heading into the final frame. Forward Joey Dixonpumped in 11 of his game-high 22 points in the quarter.
Providing support for Brookhaven was Matt Fitzsimmons with 12points and 4 steals. Dontae Dixon dished out 5 assists. MauriceBrown had 5 rebounds and 3 assists. Rayshaun Autman had 6 reboundsand Corey Bryant pulled down 5 rebounds.
In the JV girls game, Talita Dixon paced Brookhaven with 17points. Mendenhall was led by Lisa Floyd with 17 points.