Chamber launches updated web site
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 18, 2001
Words such as progressive, dynamic, creative and hometown can beused to describe Brookhaven.
Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce officials areusing those words and more with their new web site that is now upand running at The new site becameactive Monday, said Chandler Russ, executive vice-president.
“It’s got an enormous amount of information,” Russ said aboutthe site.
The site is part of a new marketing effort by the chamber.
New materials, funded by the Vision Partnership and a matchinggrant from the Mississippi Development Authority, provide aconstant theme and look to chamber efforts, Russ said. Thematerials incorporate “progressive,” “dynamic,” and other wordswith “haven” in promoting the community.
“Our website is no different from that,” Russ said.
Under the various “haven” headings, the site includes sectionson the community’s history, maps of the area, the MississippiSchool of the Arts and economic development information forbusiness and industry representatives looking for a place tobuild.
Russ said he would like to hear feedback about the site. Heencouraged chamber members to contact him with their web siteinformation and e-mail addresses.
“We want to get them as much exposure as we can,” Russ said.
That information, he said, will be put on the chamber’s site toprovide viewers with links to chamber members. The chamber siteallows viewers to search for services by category, business name orget a complete listing of all chamber members.
In the coming weeks, Russ said a community events calendar willbe added to the chamber site.
“We’ll update that definitely monthly, if not weekly,” Russsaid.
The site also includes an area for viewers to requestinformation or leave comments.
“We’ll get that information and respond appropriately to thosecomments,” Russ said.
Russ sees a number of benefits to the new web site. He mentionedbetter member services, having a quality site to promote Brookhavenand Lincoln County and inclusion all necessary information from anindustrial development standpoint.
“This allows us to update and manage our chamber of commercesite to serve chamber members better,” Russ said.