Defendants get chance to clear bad records
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 23, 2001
A Missouri man received two years probation on a drug possessioncharge, and two defendants in other unrelated cases were given thechance to have their records cleared during action Monday inLincoln County Circuit Court.
Byron Krausch, 46, of Jefferson, Mo., pleaded guilty topossession of methamphetamine and marijuana and was sentenced totwo years in prison, which was suspended for two yearsprobation.
He was also ordered by Judge Mike Smith to complete an intensiveoutpatient alcohol and drug treatment program within six months andto pay over $3,000 in fines, which Krausch has done.
In other court action, Brooke Heller, 20, of Sugarland, Texas,pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of more than one ounce butless than one kilogram of marijuana.
Judge Smith, though, did not accept Heller’s plea under aspecial state statute that allows defendants’ records to be clearedprovided they meet certain conditions.
“This’ll give you an incentive to keep your nose clean,” Smithtold Heller during sentencing.
Heller was placed on non-adjudicated status for two years andordered to pay $7,500 in fines, of which she paid $2,000 Monday.The rest was expected to be paid within 18 months.
Smith said it was a “feeble excuse” for Heller to claim heractions were because she was “in love.” The judge said she wouldserve time if she is caught in the state with any kind ofcontraband in the future.
Also Monday, Eric Eugene Stacy, 24, of Water Valley, Miss., wasplaced on two years non-adjudicated status after pleading guilty topossession of stolen property. He was also ordered to pay a $500fine.