Jail tours set for Saturday
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, February 14, 2001
/ Those who don’t plan to ever make an “official’ trip to theLincoln County Jail will have a chance to visit Saturday — andleave when they’re ready.
/ The new jail, located behind the courthouse, the LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Department and Brookhaven Police Department, willbe open to the public from 1-4 p.m. Saturday.
/ “It’s an opportunity for people who would never see the jailin their lifetime to see all the improvements we have made,” saidSheriff Lynn Boyte.
/ Those improvements include a totally new building that beganhousing inmates in July. The new jail is complete with the latesttechnology.
/ “We’ll escort people through, and they’ll be able to see theE-911 dispatch, the new booking area and things like that,” saidBoyte.
/ The public will get an in depth look at the dispatch roomfilled with security screens, computers and other vital equipmentneed to provide a safe environment in Lincoln County.
/ Visitors will also be able to see the high-tech lock downsystem and the secure visiting area that is watched over by jailemployees during visiting hours on Sundays.
/ Tours will be conducted by law enforcement officers in orderto provide complete security for the public.
/ “The inmates will, of course, be locked down, so people can goin and not be in any danger,” added Boyte.
/ The new jail has the capability to house 84 inmates, while thehold jail has a maximum holding capacity of 44 inmates.
/ People wishing to take a tour of the new jail can park alongJustice and South Second Street, then walk to the sheriff’sdepartment located on the corner of those streets.