Lipsey School will ‘Power UP’
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 26, 2001
Students in the Brookhaven School District will soon receivebenefits from a national program devoted to bridging the digitaldivide in schools.
Lipsey Middle School was one of 50 schools in Mississippirecently selected to participate in the Power UP/Power PALSnon-profit initiatives dedicated to preparing young people forsuccess in the world of technology.
“We were very honored to be selected,” said Superintendent Dr.Sam Bounds. “This is going to be a great addition to an alreadywonderful existing program.”
The Power UP program will provide technology, funding, trainedpersonnel, innovative interactive programming and other resourcesin special computer labs created to bring equal opportunities forall students.
The computer labs across the state will be staffed by Americorpsworkers through the Power PALS program, which is a companion of thePower Up initiative.
Students and teachers will be trained to use new technology andwill also learn to build on their existing technology skills.
“It’s going to be a tremendous advantage to our fifth and sixthgrade students,” said Bounds of the programs.
He commended the efforts of Lipsey Principal Rita Rich andAssistant Superintendent Lea Barrett, who were instrumental inwriting the grant, which will provide approximately $40,000 toLipsey Middle School.
“They worked really hard on getting this program,” saidBounds.
Mississippi’s programs were officially kicked off Friday whenSen. Trent Lott met with education officials, including Barrett, inCanton.
“This is an important step toward bridging the digital dividethat threatens the educational development of our state’s schoolchildren,” said Lott.