Burglars get prison time
Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 29, 2001
Property crimes dominated late February and March court actionas six defendants were sent to prison on burglary or similarcharges, according to Lincoln County Circuit Court records.
“It’s clear that if you commit a burglary of a dwelling, you’regoing to serve time, even for a first offense, as it should be,”said Assistant District Attorney Jerry Rushing in discussing therecent sentences handed down by Judge Keith Starrett.
Three defendants were indicted in connection with the sameincidents. Selina Delaughter, 27, of 343 China Grove Road, Jayess;James Bassemier, 20, of 1362 Union St. Extension and Danny EugeneConn, of 798 China Grove Road, Jayess, pleaded guilty to two countsof burglary of a dwelling and conspiracy.
Delaughter was ordered to serve three years of a totalseven-year sentence, with the last four suspended for five yearsprobation. Bassemier was sentenced to six years and Conn wassentenced to five years
Delaughter’s and Bassemier’s sentences were to run concurrentwith a Walthall County sentence. They were also ordered to pay$1,000 fines and a total of $960 in restitution.
Other defendants who pleaded guilty and received jail timeincluded:
* Johnny Lee Kimbrell, 36, of 106 South Bennett St., CrystalSprings — burglary of a business. Sentenced to five years and $200restitution.
* John Portrey, 19, of 815 Union St. Extension — burglary of adwelling. Sentenced to seven years with last five suspended forfive years probation. He was also to pay a $1,000 fine and a totalof $3,715 in restitution.
* Derrick D. Bass, 20, of 3927 Mesvilla Dr., Jackson — threecounts of burglary of a dwelling. Sentenced to 10 years with lastfour to be served under post release supervision. He was also topay a $1,000 fine and $2,115 in restitution.
Receiving jail time on a non-burglary related matter was VernFergerson, 42, of 1284 Highway 184. He pleaded guilty to sexualbattery and was sentenced to 20 years, with the last 12 to beserved on post release supervision, to pay $1,000 to the CrimeVictims Compensation Fund and $152 to King’s Daughters MedicalCenter.
Two defendants pleaded guilty to burglary of a church chargesand were placed in the Regimented Inmate Discipline (RID) program.John Joseph Busby, 19, of 1953 Busby Trail, and Brent Ashton Lee,19, of 2365 East Lincoln Road, received three-year sentences,suspended upon completion of RID, and were ordered to pay $1,000fines and $1,470 in restitution to New Prospect Baptist Church.
Michael Kevin Edwards, 34, of 3060 Harmony Dr., pleaded guiltyto a misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a minor charge.His earlier trial on sexual battery and touching, handling, orfeeling a child for lustful purposes ended in hung jury andmistrial.
Edwards was sentenced to one year suspended for two years goodbehavior probation. He was also ordered to pay for the victim’scounseling, restitution for medical expenses, a $1,000 fine and tocomplete a term of counseling.
Other defendants who pleaded guilty and their sentencesincluded:
* Patrick Allen, 29, of 1595 West Highland Dr., Jackson –unlawful possession of cocaine. Sentenced to 12 months suspendedfor completion of drug court, a $1,000 fine and restitution.
* Joe Mobley, 18, of 1865 Toy Dr., — burglary of an automobile.Sentenced to two years suspended for five years probation. He wasalso ordered to pay a $1,000 fine, successfully complete twosemesters of college within the next 18 months and to perform 40hours of community service work.
* Gary Hughes, 21, of 415 Kennedy Dr. — malicious mischief.Sentenced to one year suspended for two years good behaviorprobation, to write a letter of apology to the victim and to pay a$500 fine and $5,996 in restitution.
* Edna Stewart, 34, of 13963 Highway 51, Hazlehurst — falsepretenses and shoplifting. She was sentenced to five years,suspended for five years probation and to pay full restitution anda $750 fine.