Busy road in line for upgrade
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 27, 2001
A heavily-traveled road has been targeted for improvements, andLincoln County officials are working to move the projectforward.
Using state aid roads funds, county officials are looking topave and widen County Farm Road between Highway 184, also known asEast Monticello Street, and Highway 84. Engineering work on theproject has been completed and the process of getting access toneeded land is under way.
“It’s coming along pretty good,” said District 1 SupervisorCliff Givens, who has been contacting landowners regarding countypurchases of rights of way for the project. “Most people arecooperating pretty good. I think everything’s going to be OK.”
Chancery Clerk Tillmon Bishop said the county had receivedindications from several of the 11 landowners involved that theywould sign rights of way conveyances for the project. However, noconveyances have been filed in his office as of yet.
“As soon as those are obtained, the project can progress,”Bishop said.
The project involves paving and widening of the approximately1.5 to 2 miles of road.
“It’s going to be a well-needed road through there,” Givenssaid. “It gets a lot of traffic.”
A bark processing operation, the city’s landfill and otherbusinesses are located on County Farm Road.
Echoing the supervisor’s comments, Bishop said County Farm Roadis a “cut-through road” for Nola Road residents heading to Highway84. It is also used frequently by Monticello Street motoristsheading to the highway.
In addition, Bishop mentioned some safety aspects that theproject will address.
“There are a couple of curves along the road that are fairlydangerous,” Bishop said.
Givens said he hopes the project can be started in three to fourmonths, but utility lines must be moved before work can begin. Hedid not have an engineer’s estimate on total project cost.
“They’ll do that when we get closer to bid time,” Givenssaid.
Givens said officials had been talking about paving the road forthe last six to eight years, but actual work toward getting it donecame about within the last three years. He indicated the projectwould be beneficial to businesses, residents and others who use theroad.
“Once we get it competed, I think they’ll all be happy,” Givensaid.