Choirs join talents for program
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 7, 2001
Students from two schools with competitive athletic programswill join their voices together in harmony Tuesday for a specialprogram featuring 60 local youth.
The second annual choir program, scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday atLoyd Star cafetorium, will involve talented students from BogueChitto and Loyd Star Attendance Centers for one final show.
“This will probably be our last year to join together becausethe program is growing so much,” said Karen Yarborough, the choirdirector at both schools.
She added that outstanding entertainment with a wide variety ofmusic can be expected for all who attend the hour-long program.
“The first part of the program is a mixture of fun, pop musiclike Boys II Men, NSync, Backstreet Boys and music from Disneymovies,” said Yarborough.
Students have put in countless hours of practice in order toperfect the combination of voices. They also have other plans forthe first part of the program, such as a little sing and dance, butthat’s not all they have planned.
“The second part is primarily gospel and religious music, and itis so wonderful to hear the way the students sing those songs,”said Yarborough, mentioning the students will perform severalpopular songs, including one by the famous Brooklyn TabernacleChoir.
The hard work from the students has allowed their voices toblend together in pleasing harmony, added Yarborough. Piano andtrumpet music will accompany their songs.
Students are anxiously awaiting their chance to show thecommunity and fellow classmates why they have dedicated so muchtime to the choir program, she said.
“I think they’re realizing the potential they have. The kids arereally excited about it,” said Yarborough, who has been involved inmusic most of her life.
Some of the students may possibly showcase their talents inother areas next year. If enough funds can be raised, Yarboroughhopes to have the students featured at “Carols by Candlelight” atDisney World.
Tuesday’s performance will allow local residents to hear and seewhat the talk is all about at the school. There is a $1 fee at thedoor. Senior citizens get in free.
“Everybody is welcome to come. It will be a lot of fun,” saidYarborough.