Election process not yet complete

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 8, 2001

Brookhaven voters should remember that although the firstprimary is over, the election process doesn’t finish until the June5 general election.

Next up is the May 15 Democratic second primary for Ward 2alderman and alderman-at-large. There are no Republican candidatesin either race, so the runoff winners claim the positions for thenext four years.

In Ward 2, long-time incumbent Terry Bates is challenged byRolanda Spiller. Bates led the five-candidate ticket with justunder 50 percent of the vote — not enough to avoid a runoff.

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Only one citywide race is on the May 15 ballot –alderman-at-large. Les Bumgarner, who led the ticket, and RonnieBass are vying for that post.

In an effort to maintain voter interest for the second primary,The DAILY LEADER will publish a question-and-answer session withthe at-large candidates in our Sunday, May 13, edition.

Questionnaires were mailed to both candidates on Thursday, andtheir responses will be published at no expense to them. Weencourage both of them to participate, and we hope you willencourage them, too.

These are the questions we asked:

* What are the top three issues facing Brookhaven over the nextfour years?

* What is your position on these issues, and what will you do tofind a solution?

* What abilities do you bring to the office that voters shouldconsider in making a choice between you and your opponent?

* Brookhaven lost population over the past 10 years as citizensmoved outside the city limits, which lowered the city’s tax base.What do you propose to do to reverse this trend, or should anythingbe done?

Alderman-at-large is the only race on the runoff ballot forvoters in wards one, three, four, five and six. Ward four voterswho cast ballots in the Republican primary should remember thatthey are not eligible to vote in the Democratic runoff. Regardlessof the number of contests on the ballot, every election isimportant. Please don’t forget to vote on Tuesday, May 15.