Chief McKee recovery continuing
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 18, 2001
Brookhaven Police Chief Fred McKee is settling back into a dailyroutine as he continues his recovery from an brain aneurysm inearly March and prepares for his upcoming retirement from thepolice department.
McKee received another good report Thursday following anappointment with neurological specialists in Jackson.
“They said he was very much improved,” said McKee’s wife Janice.”They said he’s doing very well.”
The chief said he underwent several hours of tests Thursday. Thetests involved words, pictures, math and stress evaluations.
“It was one right after the other for about three hours,” hesaid.
Results from Thursday’s tests will also determine when the chiefwill be able to have a driver’s evaluation. Janice McKee said theevaluation, which is offered Jackson, Mobile or Memphis, involvesan all-day series of tests on driving and related skills.
“Then they’ll say when it’s OK for him to drive,” Janicesaid.
While the chief isn’t driving a car, he is able to take anoccasional spin on the riding lawn mower.
“He’s starting my honey-do list,” Janice joked.
When they’re out around town, the McKees said a lot of peoplestop to speak and say they’re keeping them in their prayers.Drop-in visits to the Storm Avenue home have tailed off since thechief was released from the hospital about two months ago.
“We had a lot of company at first,” Janice said. “It’s kind ofgotten back to the everyday routine things now.”
Part of McKee’s routine is a visit to the police station. Hesaid he makes it by there about three or four days a week for anhour or two each day.
“He’s begun slowly cleaning out his office,” Janice said,mentioning various items accumulated over her husband’s 12 years aschief.
The chief complimented his successor, Assistant Chief Arlustra”Pap” Henderson, on how the department is running in hisabsence.
“I think Pap’s doing a good job,” McKee said. “He’s handling itwell since I left.”
McKee said he’s looking forward to his retirement.
That “honey-do list” his wife mentioned? Well, in the spirit ofretirement, McKee’s not really in any rush to start marking itemsoff that list.
“You don’t have to get in any big hurry like you used to,” hesaid. “If it’s today or in next few weeks, it’s fine.”