M. L. Cagle
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Services for M. L. Cagle of Wesson are 11 a.m., Wednesday, June20, at Strong Hope Baptist Church with burial in Strong HopeCemetery.
Visitation is today from 4:30-9 p.m. at Stringer Funeral Home inHazlehurst.
Mr. Cagle, 87, died June 17, 2001, at Country Brook NursingHome.
He was a retired welder and dairyman. He was a member of StrongHope Baptist Church.
Survivors are his wife, Willie V. Cagle of Wesson; his son, DonM. Cagle of Wesson; his sisters, Mary Howard of Crystal Springs andMuriel Wills of Zanesville, Ohio; and two grandchildren, twogreat-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.