Rummage sales draw funds for park project

Published 5:00 am Monday, July 23, 2001

Employees of a Brookhaven bank have discovered a valuable lesson– one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

The main branch of Trustmark National Bank was the site ofhundreds of good bargains Thursday and Friday as the bank conducteda rummage sale to benefit Kid’s Kingdom, a city park project.

Kid’s Kingdom volunteers and bank employees were shocked at theoverwhelming support. Their efforts brought in $2,767 to start offa string of rummage sales and other fund raisers.

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“It has been unreal. We cannot believe how well we’ve done,”Lavern Hardin, assistant vice president, said.

The computers, desks, filing cabinets and miscellaneous itemssold during the rummage sale were donated by the bank and itsemployees. The entire profit will go completely to Kid’s Kingdom,which will be located on 10 acres of donated land just offIndustrial Park Road.

“Those items had been in storage, and we weren’t using them, sowe thought it would be a perfect way to start off the fundraising,”Hardin said.

Even before the rummage sale officially began, it appeared theiridea was a good one.

“We had planned to have it Thursday and Friday, but once westarted getting things out, the public’s enthusiasm wasoverwhelming, so we started selling around 11 a.m. Wednesday,”Hardin said.

Kid’s Kingdom volunteers hope the future rummage sales will beas successful as the first one.

“My goal is for the five garage sales to make $10,000, and we’realready off to a good start,” Angie Warren, who is co-chairing thefinancial committee with Cathy Franck, said.

The $150,000 park project will provide a clean, safe environmentfor kids and adults to enjoy a playground, lighted walking trackand other benefits.

“It’s going to be awesome; something everyone can really enjoy,”Warren commented.

Kid’s Kingdom volunteers plan to come up with the money throughfundraisers, such as the rummage sales, and donations, which aretax-deductible.

Future rummage sales include one on Aug. 4 by Episcopal Churchof the Redeemer and First United Methodist Church. The event, whichincludes breakfast and bake sales, will be held in a building onJackson Street directly behind the post office.

First Baptist Church also plans to host a rummage sale and bakesale for Kid’s Kingdom on Sept. 15.

Other organizations that have committed to hosting rummage salesinclude Easthaven Baptist Church, Union Planters, Bank ofBrookhaven, First Bank and State Bank. The dates of those rummagesales have not been set.

Anyone wishing to participate in a rummage sale or donate itemscan contact Angie Warren at 833-5303 or 833-1423.

“We really need volunteers and saleable merchandise, likeelectronics, appliances, furniture and clothes,” Warren said. “It’sa fun and easy way to help out.”