Here’s a chance to tell us what you think about us

Published 5:00 am Monday, August 13, 2001

Like or dislike something in The DAILY LEADER? Readers have achance to give us their opinion and tell us a bit about theirshopping habits in a unique polling survey on the Internet. Thepoll runs until August 31.

Like or dislike something in The DAILY LEADER? Readers have achance to give us their opinion and tell us a bit about theirshopping habits in a unique polling survey on the Internet. Thepoll runs until August 31.

No one will be calling you during dinner time, no one will beasking you probing questions or putting you on the spot as you tryto think of answers. You can answer these questions at your leisureany time of the day or night from the privacy of your computer.

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The DAILY LEADER is participating as part of a nation-widesurvey sponsored by the National Newspaper Association. PulseResearch Company is conducting the survey.

To make things a bit interesting, those who take the time toanswer the questions will have the opportunity to win part of the$5,000 in cash prizes. Each participant’s e-mail address will beadded to a drawing with other participants in the nation-widesurvey. Hopefully, one of our readers will be the winner of the$3,000 first place drawing.

Readers can be assured that no one here at The DAILY LEADER willsee the individual answers, so your privacy is protected.

Why is your opinion so important to us? It helps us makedecisions each day as we prepare the newspaper. Daily we are forcedto pick and choose what stories or photos appear in that day’sedition. We must make decisions on what columnists we think youwould like to read and what issues are important to the majority ofour readers. We think we have a feel of the area, but sometime itis good just to ask, so we are asking.

Your response will also help us tell our advertisers what youare interested in, what your shopping habits are and where you liketo shop. It helps them serve you better.

Since participating in the poll is only through the Internet, weunderstand we will leave some of our readers out. However, testsamples by Pulse Research tell us that with the growth of the homecomputer, the responses to an Internet survey are as accurate, andpossibly more accurate, than the conventional telephone method.

Now we know a total of $5,000 in cash awards may make a fewthink they might participate early and participate often to bettertheir chances of winning, but Pulse Research has already taken careof that to insure the integrity of the polling numbers. Once acomputer has answered the poll, the website will not allow thatsame computer to take the poll a second time.

So please take a few minutes and answer the questions. Doing sowill help us bring you a better newspaper — and may just but a fewdollars in your pocket.

You can reach the poll by pointing your browser Or you can go to our web siteat and click on the polling ad that will linkyou to the site.

In advance, thank you for your response.