Covington helps Hornets beat Franklin Co.

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Loyd Star head football coach Anthony Hart issued a challenge tohis offense and defense last Friday at halftime in their game withthe Franklin County Bulldogs in Meadville. Loyd Star trailedFranklin County 14-7 at the half.

Loyd Star senior linebacker Cody Covington and the defense hadbeen playing well but the Hornets turned it up a notch as did theoffense. They came back in the second half and stung the Bulldogs28-20.

“We were unsatisfied with our first half performance,” saidCovington. “We played like we should in the second half. I washappy with the defense. Our offense did a good job in the secondhalf. It was a real good win.”

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Standing 6-foot-2 and weighing in at 230 pounds, Covington is aforce to be reckoned with. Against Franklin County, he led theHornet defense with 11 tackles and a fumble recovery.

For his accomplishments, Covington has been named The DailyLeader’s Defensive Player of the Week for the third week of the2001 football season. He was a defensive player of the week as ajunior and was named to the DL’s All-Lincoln County Team.

“I feel pretty good,” smiled Covington about being nameddefensive player of the week. “I was hoping to have a goodseason.”

Covington says his responsibilities as one of fourlinebackers is to go for the football. “We key on the guards (andfullbacks last week),” stated Covington. Joining him at the otherinside linebacker is senior Adam Speeg. The two outside linebackersare senior Jermaine Hunter and sophomore MatthewDelaughter.

“I’ve been coaching Cody for three years,” said Coach Hart.”I can’t ever remember a time he didn’t give 100 percent. He hasworked extremely hard to become a good football player. He’s veryintense on the football field.

Covington bench presses around 320 pounds and squats with450. He runs about a 5 flat in the 40.

Covington said he and the other linebackers have a goodgroup of players on the line with them. “We have a strong line. Wedo real well working together. They go to the ball realwell.”

Working on the four-man down line are junior Unquirie Smithat strong side end, senior Beau Morrison at tackle, junior DanielSisco at nose guard and senior Logan Portrey at defensiveend.

“Logan helps keep the tackles off of me,” said Covingtonabout the Hornet linemen. “Our defensive line does a greatjob.”

Covington says he has learned a lot about the linebackerposition from Coach Hart. “He has helped me a whole lot. He has agood program for us. He is a good linebacker coach. He helps uswith the keys. It does make a difference.”

The Hornets (2-1) are taking the season one game at a time.”We want to win district. We are playing well one game at a time.The rest of it will come.”

Covington says he remembers Friday night’s opponent,Bassfield, from three years ago and watched them running up anddown the football field. He says that hasn’t changed.

“Bassfield is fast and quick,” explained Covington. “Theyare not as big as Bay Springs. It will be a good game. I believe wecan beat them.”

Covington says after graduation he would like to go tocollege but is undecided on his major. And he would love tocontinue playing football.

His hobbies are hunting, fishing and watching collegefootball. The Mississippi State Bulldogs are his favorite collegeteam. In the NFL, he likes the Dallas Cowboys and Baltimore Ravens.His favorite player is No. 52, Ray Lewis.