United Way goal $194,100; will benefit service agencies
Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 20, 2001
The United Way of Lincoln County kicked off its annualfundraising drive Thursday morning with a breakfast to honor theleaders of numerous community organizations that will benefit fromthe drive.
Money raised is allocated to local agencies that provide avariety of services in the area. Ninety-eight cents of every dollarraised is used to help agencies in Lincoln County.
“United Way has one goal in mind, and that is to meet the needsof this community: mentally, physically and emotionally,” saidSheila Porch, president of United Way of Lincoln County.
The agencies meeting those needs include American Red Cross, BoyScouts, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Habitat for Humanity,Southwest Mental Health, United Services Organization, Girl Scouts,Boswell Group Home, Boys and Girls Club, Lincoln County 4-H,Outreach Ministries, Brookhaven Food Pantry, Lincoln County UnitedWay Emergency Relief Agency, Widows & Orphans Center, GuardianShelter for Battered Families and Shelter for Sexual Assault, BogueChitto/Lincoln County Community Development Center, ROTAP (ReachingOut To Another Person), Brookhaven Beautiful, Sunshine Shelter andBrookhaven Recreation Department and Lipsey’s Pee Wee FootballProgram.
Each year organizations provide requests for funds depending ontheir need and budget. A committee chooses the amount each agencyreceives.
This year’s goal has been set at $194,100, with over 100volunteers helping raise money for the 22 agencies.
Tillmon Bishop, campaign chairman for United Way of LincolnCounty, believes that goal will be easily accomplished because ofthe big hearts of local residents who know the benefits of thecommunity organizations.
“Recently, we have seen giving and caring in our country. . .but that is not something new to Lincoln County,” he pointed out.”There’s one characteristic that stands out above all else inLincoln County and that is compassion.”
In fact, United Way has already received its first donation inthe fundraising drive. The Klassy Chassis Car Club atDelphi-Packard donated over $300 that they raised during asummertime car show, announced Gwen Gayten, a member of the UnitedWay board of directors.
Bishops believes the many donations to come will create apositive affect in Lincoln County by helping the agencies reach outto different areas of the community.
“We are blessed here with a diversified community, and we areable to help so many,” he said.
The fundraising drive begins now and lasts through November.Anyone wishing to make contributions or find out more about UnitedWay of Lincoln County can call 833-1411.