We can’t let Bin Laden destroy U.S. economy
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 22, 2001
As never before, this nation has faced the fear of the unknown.Beginning with the Sept. 11 attacks, and now with the biologicalscare of Anthrax, we are finding ourselves looking over ourshoulders as an enemy has invaded our shores.
Uneasiness has settled in on the country with fear of Anthraxcontamination. That uneasiness became even more pronounced asreports of contamination last week in Washington closed down theU.S. Capitol and sent members of Congress scurrying for cover. Tothe dismay of the American public, we watched as House leadersshowed a troubling lack of leadership in a time when it is neededmost. Thankfully, leaders in the Senate chose to hold theirground.
In his taped comments to the world on the day we began bombingAfghanistan, Osama bin Laden spoke of the lack of will in Americansand proclaimed his intent to test that will. I am sure he reactedin glee at the reaction of Congressional leadership as the wheelsof government came to a halt.
Despite the reports of Anthrax contamination, it should beremembered that only one death has been the result. Only a handfulof individuals have been hospitalized. More people will be injuredor killed in automobile accidents today than have been exposed tobiological contamination in recent weeks.
The fear of possible contamination has changed the way many ofus conduct our daily lives. The simple task of opening mail hasbeen changed overnight. Our economy has suffered greatly asAmericans have stopped traveling or spending in general. Airlinesare among those declaring bankruptcy, and thousands are losingtheir jobs as companies cut back due to slowing sales.
The bin Laden terrorists know they do not have thesophistication to win their war on America with further attackssuch as those on Sept. 11. They understand that to win they must doso in less traditional means. Our Achilles heel, they believe, isthe American economy. They understand the basic principle ofconsumer confidence is the fuel that powers the economy.Contaminate the fuel, and America’s economic engine sputters.Downturns in the stock market, the continued layoff of workers andmore announcements of bankruptcies show the bin Laden strategy isworking.
President Bush has asked Americans to try to return to normal.He has asked us to return to our regular lives — what we werebefore Sept. 11. While he understands our concerns and fears, hisrequest is for us to not be afraid to buy the products we desire;for us not to stay at home in fear, but to visit with our friends,go to movies, eat in restaurants and buy goods and services. ThePresident understands that not only will the strength in our faithin God help us succeed but also the strength in our belief in oureconomy will help us win this war on terrorism.
In the days following the attacks in New York and Washington,Americans responded with patriotism. We responded by setting asideour differences and uniting under the American flag. We can seethat unity all around us from the flags flying at our businessesand homes to red and blue ribbons tied to cars or flag stickers oncar windows.
Our patriotism is showing, but now we can do more. Being aparticipant in our economy will do more to make our economy strongby creating jobs and putting people back to work. Doing so willshow bin Laden the strength of the American public and our will tofight for what we hold dear – our freedom.
Write to Bill Jacobs at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602.