Grant to help with roads for two new industries

Published 6:00 am Friday, November 2, 2001

A $137,000 state economic development grant will help Brookhavenofficials construct an access road to two new Brookhavenindustries.

Chandler Russ, executive vice-president of theBrookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce, said he was notifiedThursday of grant application approval by Gov. Ronnie Musgrove andthe Mississippi Development Authority. The Small Municipalitiesgrant will be used to make road and water and sewer improvements toserve EPCO Carbon Dioxide and Continental Carbonics, which arelocating off Fender Trail in the industrial park.

The two companies represent an approximately $11 millioninvestment and the creation of 60 new jobs. The EPCO facility iscurrently under construction while construction on the ContinentalCarbonics facility is expected to begin within 12-14 months, Russsaid.

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As part of the project, the mayor and board of aldermen agreedto construct the preliminary road bed and do some otherroad-related work.

“It was their commitment to this project that made this grantpossible,” Russ said.

Russ said he was pleased that the city was chosen to receive thegrant. He said the industries’ decision represents a significantinvestment in the community and will provide job opportunities forcitizens.

Russ urged quick action on the road work.

“Now that we have the necessary funding in place, we cannotafford to allow time to pass so that we may meet our obligations tothese industries,” Russ said.