Relay for life kickoff
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Around 20 Relay for Life team captains gathered Tuesday to getstarted on the annual fundraising event for the American CancerSociety.
Linda Ball, an income development manager for ACS, met with thegroup for a kickoff luncheon meeting at the Juvenile RehabilitationFacility.
She explained to team captains what they needed to do to createa team and to have a successful fundraising prior to the May 3-4Relay for Life, an all-night, family-oriented event that celebratescancer survivorship, health, teamwork and community.
The annual event, where participants take shifts walking arounda lighted track, will be held at the Brookhaven Exchange ClubPark.
“The Exchange Club has been real nice, and they’re going to openthe rides again,” Ball said.
The rides will be open from 7-10 p.m. Friday, followed by thelighting of the luminaries that surround the track and are named inhonor or memory of those who have had or now have cancer.
“This year we’re having the Relay in memory of Kay Terrell andFaye Wallace. They were both real active in Relay and the cancersociety,” Ball told the team captains.
Teams made up of families, businesses, churches and schools willwalk in memory of the two Lincoln Countians, who recently losttheir fights against cancer.
Terrell’s daughter, Allison, has committed to working to helpfind a cure for the disease.
She serves as the communications/marketing director for ACS’mid-south division. Ball also has a reason for wanting to helpraise money to fund efforts to find a cure.
“I’m involved as a volunteer because I lost my mother to cancerwhen I was 19 years old,” said Ball, who has worked for theorganization for eight years.
She encouraged each team captain to motivate their teams to workhard to raise money.
“It’s important to get each team member to raise at least $100,”said Ball.
The money raised through Relay for Life will be used for cancerresearch.
“Last year we raised over $68,000,” Relay for Life ChairmanMelissa Hester said.
Hester hopes this year’s Lincoln County event will become evenstronger as participants fulfill the theme of “Taking ActionAgainst Cancer.”
Relay for Life teams can choose themes for their teams as well,and decorate with coordinating designs.
“We’d like for the teams to choose their themes around movieswith happy endings,” Ball commented.
For more information about this year’s Relay for Life contactchairman Melissa Hester at 823-5700 or co-chair Amy Owens at835-3534.