Tour will ‘take town by Storm’
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 7, 2002
Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce officials arecontinuing theirs plans for “Taking the Town by Storm” during thisyear’s Tour of Homes.
The annual Tour of Homes is scheduled for April 27 and willfeature eight homes and three gardens on Storm Avenue, said RitaRich, tour chairwoman.
“It’s the first time for the tour to be located on one street,”Rich said. “I’m real excited about it.”
Rich said the tour committee has been meeting to further developplans and work on publicity for the event. So far, over 400brochures have been sent to other communities, bus companies,individuals and others to encourage visitors to come to Brookhavenon the tour weekend.
“Right now, we’re planning the special events,” Rich said.
So far, the Ole Brook Wind Symphony, a Civil War Living Historyand horticulturalist Felder Rushing are scheduled as tourattractions. Also, Rich said, the Brookhaven Trust Arts Councilwill have the art exhibit “One Nation Under God” at the State Roomduring the tour.
“We’re working with the other banks to get other exhibits,” Richsaid.
Horse-drawn carriage rides, a popular attraction the last fewyears, are also scheduled, Rich said. And local historian Tom Moakwill give a walking tour through the city’s Victorian District.
The featured attraction will be the homes. Storm Avenue homesand gardens scheduled to be on display include:
* Edgewood
* Teddy and Jennifer Jackson’s arts and crafts bungalow
* Billy and LeAnna Crozier’s cottage
* Coney and Bobbie Fay Lea’s home
* Frank and Louise Good’s modified Georgian home
* John and Kay Burton’s arts and crafts bungalow
* Rich’s bungalow
* Brad and Paula Roberson’s Queen Anne cottage
* Yogi and Shirley Bruce’s garden
* Charles and Pat Jacobs’ garden
* George and Lawrie’s Gulley’s garden
This year’s tour is dedicated to long-time Brookhaven residentand Edgewood owner David Lovell. He has lived in the home for 46years and has worked to restore the home and fill it with manyantiques.
Lovell has also had a role in the designs of other localhomes.
“David is considered one of Brookhaven’s greatest creators orexterior and interior design works and an authority on antiques,”according to the tour’s brochure dedication.
Rich said tour organizers will be asking the city to close StormAvenue from South Church Street to Becker Street for the day’sevent.
“People will be able to visit the homes and gardens and alsotake part in the special events at the homes,” Rich said.
Also, Mary Jane Lampton Auditorium and a Foster-Smith Log Cabinwill once again be tour sites.
Tour homes have been determined since last summer, Rich said.She said she appreciated the homeowners’ willingness to open theirhomes for the tour and their early commitments to the event.
“They’re wonderful people and very civic-minded,” Rich said.
Rich said tour planning has gone smoothly. She was optimisticthat early advertising and promotion would pay off in increasedattendance this year.
“It lets people know about it so they can put in on theircalendars and hopefully plan to come to Brookhaven that weekend,”Rich said.