Don’t miss chance to be part of special publication
Published 6:00 am Friday, February 15, 2002
I don’t think I’ve ever written about the same subject two weeksin a row, but this week I’m going to make another pitch for ourupcoming Focus edition.
In case you don’t know what Focus is, here’s a recap: it is aspecial project we do every year to “focus” on the good things inBrookhaven, Lincoln County and Southwest Mississippi. It is ourlargest publication of the year, and it is a favorite of DAILYLEADER readers.
Last week I wrote about the Unsung Heroes, which make up onesection of Focus. There are five other parts of Focus, and this iswhat we try to do in those:
Leadership: Profile some of the area’s officials who serve incity, county, regional, state and national offices. These are themen and women who will lead our community into the future or whohave helped us reach the progress we enjoy today.
Neighbors: Take a look at some of the interesting people, placesand things in Southwest Mississippi.
People: Introduce some of the interesting and unique folks ofour community. This could be somebody with an unusual hobby, adistinctive talent, or a special story to tell. In past years we’vefeatured everything from baseball umpires to librarians to squaredancers to men and boys who love trains to shoe shiners.
Community: Feature special volunteers and public servants aswell as the civic, service, support and church groups that do somany good things in the area.
Commerce: Review past business and industry accomplishments,look at goals for the future and recognize some of our distinctivebusinesses, industries and their employees..
Focus also offers a perfect opportunity for churches, civic andservice clubs, and businesses and industries to let the public knowtheir accomplishments of the past year.
Forms for this information have been printed in the DAILY LEADERin recent weeks and will be printed in again in coming weeks as therespective deadlines approach. The forms include everything we needto write a short article.
This is a great way to get a little extra publicity.
Did your civic or service club accomplish a special project lastyear or set a special goal for this year? Let us know. We’d alsolike to include a photo of your officers. Just send that to us,too.
What about your church? Maybe there’s a special anniversary thisyear, or maybe there’s a building project you’d like to let ourreaders know about. Just fill out a form, return it to us, andwe’ll take care of the rest.
Do you have a special employee who goes above and beyond thecall of duty? Focus is good way to highlight that worker, plus letthe community know about your business. Advertising space isfilling up quickly, so if you have not yet reserved your spot, callour advertising department today. Our advertising and graphicsdepartments rank among the state’s best. They can do something tomet your specific needs.
Focus 2002 will be published on April 26. I hope you don’t missthe chance to be a part of it.
Write to Nanette Laster at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or send e-mail to