Two teachers suspended pending probe outcome
Published 6:00 am Monday, March 25, 2002
Two Brookhaven School District instructors have been suspendedwith pay pending an investigation into allegations of sexualharassment of students, Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds saidWednesday.
Bounds declined to identify the teachers involved or the schoolswith which they are associated.
“Basically, it’s a personnel matter, and I can’t say anythingelse,” Bounds said, while also citing a police departmentinvestigation.
Bounds said the suspension decision was made Tuesday afterspeaking with authorities. While no arrests have been made, thesuperintendent said he believed the with-pay suspensions wereproper and it would not be appropriate to allow the instructors tocontinue their day-to-day activities at school.
“We’re not saying we’re accusing anyone of anything or thatanybody is guilty of anything,” Bounds said.
An investigation began in late February after the DistrictAttorney’s Office received a complaint about the alleged conductthat involved students and a teacher. Authorities said a secondteacher’s name came up during the course of the investigation whilequestioning students.
Brookhaven Police Chief Arlustra “Pap” Henderson said hisdepartment had concluded its investigation but was waiting todiscuss findings with the DA’s office.
“We’re going to turn our investigation over to the DA’s officeand let them decide how to handle it,” Henderson said.
DA’s officials following the sexual harassment allegations wereunavailable Wednesday, Henderson said. The chief said he hoped tospeak with them either Thursday or Friday.
“We’re waiting to get with them, and we’ll take action after wetalk to them,” Henderson said.