Lawrence Co. Hospital get outpatient services
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 15, 2002
Southwest Regional Medical Center promised big things when theytook over a failing Lawrence County Hospital last year, and theyhave been working hard to meet them.
This week saw the fruition of those promises when they openedthe Lawrence County Hospital Outpatient Services office and beganmoving in new equipment for further expansion.
The Outpatient Services office of the hospital is designed tohelp outpatients receive their care in a timely and orderlyfashion. It is staffed with two nurses who will manage thepaperwork and handling of the patients.
“Anyone who is an outpatient at our hospital should come herefirst,” said Semmes Ross, hospital administrator.
The way the office works, he said, is that patients willcontinue to visit their regular local physician. When the physiciandetermines a test is necessary he and the patient will schedule atime for the test through Outpatient Services. The patient makesthe appointment, undergoes the tests there and the data is sentback to the initiating physician.
“This is going to be a great asset for the community,” saidDebbie Fortenberry, director of nursing.
Outpatient Services currently houses four beds, but will soonexpand to eight beds, Ross said. Dr. Randy Tillman, a gastrologist,will also soon be visiting the hospital on Thursdays as part ofoutpatient services once the new equipment is set up andoperating.
“We have the latest equipment available,” Ross said. “You can’tbuy newer or more advanced equipment than what Southwest has boughtand put in here.”
The administrator said they are hoping to begin using theequipment by April 18.
Four of the common procedures the equipment will be used forinclude endoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy.
This will be a great thing for outpatients, Ross said, becausepreviously patients needing gastrointestinal tests would have totravel to McComb, Jackson or Hattiesburg for the tests.
Dana Andrews, RN, and Lisa Jones, both of Monticello, will runthe office.