Lt. Gov. Tuck encourages graduates to aim high
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Touching on a variety of topics, Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck Fridayencouraged Loyd Star High School graduates to “dream a great dream”and make it happen.
Tuck was the featured speaker as 56 graduates received theirdiplomas during Loyd Star’s commencement exercises at William E.”Sambo” Smith Field. The lieutenant governor praised the school,faculty and staff for its educational efforts.
“You are providing quality education for students in this area,”Tuck said.
Tuck congratulated the graduates on their accomplishment.Regarding commencement speeches, Tuck said principals usually likeprofound words of encouragement offered while graduates seem moreconcerned about the length of the talk.
“They just want it to have a good beginning and good ending andkeep them close together,” Tuck joked.
Recalling the events of Sept. 11, Tuck said America’s strengthis not found in buildings, but in the hearts of its people. Sheencouraged graduates to maintain honor pride and honor in God asthe country continues in a different world.
“We need our young people’s help to steer a course and ensurethat our country has a bright future,” Tuck said.
Bringing her remarks closer to home, Tuck said Mississippi hasproduced great leaders who have character, backbone, enthusiasm andan ability to encourage others to work toward a common goal. Sheencouraged graduates to apply themselves to be the state’s futureleaders.
Mississippi has much to be proud of when it comes to itscitizens and their various fields of interest. She mentioned theaccomplishments of citizens such as Eudora Welty, John Grisham,Brett Favre, Walter Payton, Elvis Presley, Faith Hill, LeontynePrice, Medgar Evers and Bob Pittman.
“Mississippi has proven we can hold our own throughout theworld,” Tuck said.
Tuck said a quality education will be a constant no matter howthe world changes.
“Education will provide for you in this ever-changing world,”Tuck said.
Tuck urged graduates to aim high and seek excellence.
“To be ordinary is easy. Excellence requires commitment,” Tucksaid.
Tuck said the world is divided into three groups: those thatmake things happen, those that watch things happen and those thatwondered what happened. She urged graduates to be in the firstgroup.
In striving for excellence, Tuck encouraged graduates to viewchallenges as stepping stones and learn from them. She also saidgraduates should be willing to give something back to theircommunity and fellow citizens.
“You enrich your own lives when you support and encourageothers,” Tuck said.