Lions Club gets ready to host annual pageant

Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 30, 2002

The time for fixing up hair and picking out the perfect swimsuitfor competition is just around the corner.

The 60th Annual Brookhaven Lions Club Beauty Pageant, formerlyknown as the Water Carnival, is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., July 12,at the Brookhaven/Lincoln County Multi-Use Facility.

The swimsuit competition is the largest fundraiser for the civicclub, which uses the funds for helping the needy.

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“It’s a very important fundraiser for the Lions Club. We usemost of the money locally for the hearing impaired and seeingimpaired,” said James E. Smith, first vice president.

Money raised at the beauty pageant and other projects throughoutthe year is used to fund eye exams and eye glass purchases forpeople who need glasses.

“We also have a sight van that goes around to the schools everyyear and tests children up to the fourth grade,” said Smith.

Some of the funds also go to national and state Lions Clubprojects.

The Lions Club raises money through a concession stand duringthe event, a $25 entry fee and advertisements sold by participantsand club members for the event’s program.

Part of the money raised pays for the trophies and giftcertificates the younger children have the opportunity to win andthe scholarships and money awarded to the oldest age group.

The winner of the older group will be awarded a $400scholarship, while second place wins $125 cash and third place gets$75 cash. At least six people must compete in that group.

The competition features age categories from one-year-old to a17-year-old and up group.

Applications can be picked up at local banks, children’sclothing stores, several women’s clothing shops and Martha’sPaperback Exchange. Applications must be returned with a check forthe entry fee by July 5 to Brookhaven Lions Club, Attn: LavernHardin, Trustmark, P.O. Box 539, Brookhaven, MS 39602-0539.

All entrants must attend rehearsal at the multi-use building at6:30 p.m., July 11 to qualify for the program.

Entrants are also encouraged to sell advertisements for theprogram, with the person selling the most winning a $100 cashprize.

“We hope merchants will be receptive to the participants andLions Club members out collecting contributions, because the adsales are how we make most of our money that we use to helpothers,” said Hardin, who is the club’s president.

In the past, funds have been used to purchase a special computerfor a blind college student, for a diabetes awareness program, anenlargement machine for a seeing impaired Brookhaven resident and asight machine at the hospital.

Anyone seeking further information about the Brookhaven LionsClub Beauty Pageant may call Hardin at 835-3556 or any other LionsClub member.