Brookhaven Brakemen launch season Saturday
Published 5:00 am Friday, June 7, 2002
Brookhaven Brakemen field manager Pete Young discussed teamrules and revealed his expectations during a Tuesday team meeting.The Brakemen are supposed to have fun, enjoy the game and improvetheir skills.
Young’s 2002 edition makes its debut Saturday, hosting theJackson Senators on Brookhaven Academy’s field. The doubleheaderstarts at 1:30 p.m.
Saturday is Opening Day for the 3-year-old Cotton State League.Teams from Poplarville, Hattiesburg, Pearl and Clinton also willplay twinbills Saturday at various locations. The teams arecomposed of graduated high school seniors, junior college andsenior college players, most of them from Mississippi.
On Sunday, Brookhaven hosts the Pearl Patriots who are under thedirection of Brookhaven native and Belhaven College assistant coachEric Stokes. Action starts at 2:30.
“I want you to play hard and respect the game,” said Young,during the team meeting. “This is a community effort and BrookhavenAcademy is supporting our team.”
When the Brakemen aren’t playing one of their 40 games, most ofthem will be practicing. Young and assistant coach Justin Entricanare directing the team.
“I want to let the kids go out there and play,” said Young. “Wewant to see each player become better in at least one phase of thegame.”
Young has an interesting mix of incoming freshmen who are juststepping off the high school diamond and some seasoned veterans.Pitchers Jacob Blakeney and Josh Garrett are fresh from theirjunior years in college, Blakeney at Mississippi State and Garrettat Belhaven.
Blakeney, a Mendenhall product, has been given the starting nodfor Saturday’s opener. Mendenhall’s Mitch Mangum, who justcompleted his freshman year at Co-Lin, will start the secondgame.
On Sunday against Pearl, Garrett will start the opener. He isfrom Lawrence County.
“We have some real good arms, college and high school,” saidYoung. “I’m concerned about our outfielders because most of themare high schoolers with no college experience.”
Young said the daily ritual of batting practice would help hisplayers become accustomed to the wooden or composite bat, a vastlydifferent weapon from the aluminum bats the players have beenusing.
“We want BP to be game-like reactions, just like a game, battingand fielding,” said Young.
Pitcher/first baseman Seth Lofton just completed aninjury-plagued sophomore year at Co-Lin. He played on the firstBrakemen team two years ago when it was sponsored by the BrookhavenHigh School Diamond Club. This season he sustained a broken bone inhis glove wrist and a separated shoulder on his throwing arm.
“I want to get back in baseball and regain my arm strength,”said Lofton, a southpaw Loyd Star product. “I’m ready to play.”
Lofton was hit by a pitch when his wrist was broken the firsttime. He broke it again and separated his shoulder in a collisionat fist base later in the season.
“Playing is this league really helped me get an early start oncollege baseball,” said Lofton. “We played against some goodcompetition. There were some real good players in this league.”
Young plans an aggressive smallball attack. Stealing bases andbunting will be a priority to move runners from first to home. “Wewant to put pressure on the other team’s defense.”
Two years ago, Young directed the Brakemen to the CSLchampionship. He said the league should be strong again.
“There are some State and Ole Miss players and Delta State hassome players in the league,” said Young. “There are some DivisionII and junior college players who are talented, too.”
Ray Ishee, Brookhaven Academy’s high school principal, isserving as general manager for the Brakemen.
Brookhaven Brakemen Roster
Pitchers:Jacob Blakeney, MississippiState/Mendenhall; Josh Garrett, Belhaven/Monticello; Lance Deville,Co-Lin/Meadville; Michael Edwards, Co-Lin/Monticello; MattFitzsimmons, Co-Lin/Brookhaven; Jacob Leggett, Co-Lin/Bogue Chitto;Cass Brister, Co-Lin/ Loyd Star; Seth Lofton, Co-Lin/Loyd Star;Mitch Mangum, Co-Lin/Simpson County; Tyler Peret, Co-Lin/JacksonPrep.
Catchers: Aaron Oberschmidt, Co-Lin/Brookhaven;Jeb Lee, Co-Lin/Simpson County; Anthony McLinn, McLaurin.
Infielders: Ben Goza, Co-Lin/Brookhaven; JoshThoms, Mississippi State/Newton; Cayce Wallace, Co-Lin/Brookhaven;Brandon Hubbard, Co-Lin/Simpson County.
Outfielders: Ben Davis, Co-Lin/BrookhavenAcademy; Nathan Evans, Co-Lin/Lawrence County; Joey Sullivan,Co-Lin/Mize; Jeffrey Waycaster, Co-Lin/Brookhaven Academy; VanceWindom, Co-Lin/Franklin County.
2002 Brakemen Schedule
JUNE: 8-Jackson, 1:30, DH; 9-Pearl, 2:30, DH;11-Hattiesburg, 6:30; 12-@ Poplarville, 6:30; 14-@ Hattiesburg,6:30; 16-Jackson, 2:30, DH; 18-Poplarville, 6:30; 19-Hattiesburg,6:30; 21-@ Poplarville, 6:30. 22-@ Pearl, 12 noon, DH; 23-Clinton,2:30, 24-@ Hattiesburg, 6:30. 25-Poplarville, 6:30. End of FirstHalf.
27-@ Hattiesburg, 6:30; 28-Poplarville, 6:30; 29-@ Jackson, 12noon; 28-Poplarville, 6:30. 29-@ Jackson, 12 noon; 30-@ Pearl,2:30.
JULY:6-@ Clinton, 5:00., DH; 7-Jackson,2:30,DH; 9-Hattiesburg, 6:30. 10-@ Poplarville, 6:30. 12-@Hattiesburg; 13-@ Pearl, 12 p.m., DH. 14-Clinton, 2:30, DH;15-Poplarville, 6:30; 16-Hattiesburg, 6:30; 17-@ Poplarville.18-20, Championship Series: First Half Winner vs. Second HalfWinner.