Lawrence County ‘taxed’ by employee’s resignation

Published 5:00 am Friday, June 28, 2002

MONTICELLO — Lawrence County lost one of its favorite daughterstoday as Tax Assessor/Collector Annette Applewhite worked her lastday in the office.

“For very personal reasons I had to let it go,” she said Friday.”I do so with very mixed emotions.”

Applewhite said she would prefer not to cite her resignationreasons because they were personal, but she did want to stress thatthey had nothing to do with the county administration.

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“This is no fault of the county,” she said. “There’s no frictionthere. I will miss them. I’ve really enjoyed my time here, and Ireally want to thank the people for allowing me to be here allthese years.”

Applewhite is leaving the county after serving for more than 26years in the tax assessor’s office.

There won’t be a special election to replace her, she said. Anelection is planned for November, but there were already items onthe ballot, she said.

“I would not have done that,” Applewhite said. “I would havearranged to stick it out” if it meant calling for a specialelection.

Applewhite’s interim replacement will be appointed during theregularly scheduled board of supervisor’s meeting Monday, shesaid.

“I made a recommendation, but they have several good choicesthey can make from those who work for the county already,”Applewhite said.

She said she intends to spend more time with her family now.