Accused business manager worked for 2 superintendents
Published 5:00 am Friday, July 12, 2002
The former business manager of Lincoln County Public Schoolsworked under the supervision of two superintendents.
Former Lincoln County Superintendent of Education Billy O. Brittbrought it to the DAILY LEADER’S attention that Janet R. Smith, 42,of 1583 West Lincoln Drive, also was employed by the schooldistrict when current superintendent Perry Miller took office inJanuary 2000.
An article in Thursday’s newspaper stated that Britt served assuperintendent during the entire time that Smith allegedlyembezzled money from the district and forged checks.
According to Smith’s indictment, she is accused of writingchecks totaling more than $5,000 from July 1999 until March 2000,when Miller was in office.
Smith was arrested Tuesday on a grand jury indictment. Anindictment is not a statement of guilt or innocence. It representsthe belief by the grand jury that there is probable cause toproceed further with the case.