Herring Gas team dominates races in Tour de Louisiane

Published 5:00 am Monday, July 15, 2002

The Tour de Louisiane could also be known as the Herring GasInvitational. Sponsored by the New Orleans Bicycle Club, the TDLhas been won three straight years by the Herring Gas racingteam.

Herring Gas team captain Frank Moak of Brookhaven prefers tocall it “a team effort.” The 9-member team competes in the SeniorMen division, composed of racers from age 18-34, plus Moak who isthe elder statesmen, celebrates his 42nd birthday today.

“I’m not ready for the Masters (oldest group) yet,” said Moak.”Physically, I’m feeling good. As long as I can be competitive,I’ll stay with it.”

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Moak survived a serious crash in the TDL’s Criterium He andteammate Kenny Bellau were involved in the spectacle as the pack of70 racers rounded a curve. Bellau hit a pothole and Moak was closebehind, unable to avoid running over the leg of his teammate,resulting in a somersault.

Bellau’s high-tech bike was broken in the wreck and he sustaineda deep cut on the elbow which required several surgical stitches.Moak sustained a deep bruise (strawberry) on his right hip but wasable to continue as the racers sped by, averaging 27 miles per houron the eight-tenths of a mile square course.

Bellau said his plan was to stay at the front and go 29 milesper hour. “The speed was pretty darn high and we ended up having tochase several times. This was by far the most brutal, intense andexciting race I have ever heard of.”

Wearing a helmet has saved the life of many a biker. They weargloves and goggles for additional protection. Legs are shaved toavoid festering infection from bruises, cuts and scrapes.

The Criterium featured 30 laps through the streets of Covington,La. Teammate Shawn Casey of Rockwall, Texas, won the event.

The bumpy road surface caused the Herring Gas team to have sevenflat tires. There were two pit areas on opposite ends of the courseto get their bikes repaired. Teammate Troy Porter had thedistinction of having three flats. The hard-working pit crews ranout of wheels.

Overall, teammate Gary Zyriek of Memphis won first place. Moakwas second. Teammates Shawn Casey of Rockwall, Texas, and BryantBunch of Jackson were third and fourth respectively. Chris Stokesof Jackson was eighth and Brad Hecker of New Orleans was 10th,rounding out the impressive Herring Gas finish.

“Things really came together for us as a team in the TDL,” saidMoak. Of the $1,000 prize money, the Herring Gas team took home$750.

The TDL started on Saturday in Abita Springs with the Time Trialin the morning and the Road Race in the afternoon. It concluded onSunday with the Criterium.

Zyriek won the Time Trial, averaging 30 miles per hour in a3-mile race against the clock. Bunch was second, Moak fourth andHecker sixth.

The Road Race was an exhausting and demanding distance of 70miles, complete with summer heat and humidity.

“Our main objective was to maintain the lead and to move as manyteam members up,” in the overall time race.

“There were a lot of attacks early,” said Moak. Attacks are whenother teams challenge for the lead.

“Kenny Bellau was about 50 seconds behind,” Moak continued. “Weworked hard to pull the group back. Gary came out of the group andabout a mile and a half to go and won. We were only two secondsback.”

There are Hot Spots in a road race when racers can earn a timebonus during a lap. Stokes was first and Moak second.

In the Time Trials, Herring Gas was standing first, second andthird. “We wanted to sweep but our main objective was to keep Garyin the lead,” Moak explained. “We also wanted to move as many teammembers as possible to the top 10.”

Moak stands second in the Louisiana Cup competition. It is ayear-long series which starts in January and runs through November.Moak is in competing for Rider of the Year honors,

Herring Gas competed in the Tour LeFleur in Jackson thisweekend. The team placed six riders in the Top Ten in Saturday’sCriterium in downtown Jackson. They have a road race Sunday inSatartia.

Their next competition is July 20-21 in Baton Rouge.