Katie Newman vies for Miss Hospitality in state competition

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 24, 2002

A week filled with fun activities and competition awaits KatieNewman at the state Miss Hospitality contest in Hattiesburg.

Newman, the 20-year-old daughter of Henry and Vickie Newman ofBrookhaven, will represent the Brookhaven and Lincoln County area.The Miss Hospitality 2002 began with orientation Sunday morning inthe Hub City.

“I’m really looking forward to it. I hope to promote Brookhavenand Lincoln County the best way I can,” she said while loading hercar for the trip.

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Newman will spend Sunday and Monday rehearsing the productionsthat will be performed during the preliminary competition at 7 p.m.Friday at Sanger Theatre in Hattiesburg.

Newman will also have plenty of time to make new friends withthe dozens of other contestants, many of whom she has alreadymet.

“We had an orientation in June, and I got to meet all the girls.That was a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to getting to knowthem all better,” she said.

Three of the contestants are fellow classmates at MississippiCollege, where Newman is a sophomore majoring in Biology working tobecome a physical therapist. She is also a member of the LadyChoctaws basketball team.

The week will continue with a tour of Hattiesburg on Tuesdaymorning, followed by another rehearsal session and a theme partythat night.

Competition begins Wednesday with individual interviews in themorning. Newman and the other contestants will mingle with thejudges and board of directors Wednesday night during a dessertparty. Thursday will be filled with panel interviews and dressrehearsal.

“Friday morning we will each do a 90-second speech in front ofthe judges on how to promote Mississippi to a visitor,” saidNewman, who has been busy the last few months studying the facts onMississippi and keeping up with the news to prepare for thecompetition.

She will display her knowledge of Brookhaven and Lincoln Countywith a 20-second commercial during Friday’s preliminary event. Theevent will also include an evening gown competition.

“I’m not really nervous. I’m just excited to get to tell allabout Brookhaven and Mississippi,” she said.

Newman believes she is completely ready for all the eventsbecause of the assistance of Kay Burton, Amanda Burton, Chuck andJullia Ivey and Rita Rich, who volunteer their time every year toprepare Miss Hospitality for the state program.

“They’re so special to my family and me. They’ve done so muchfor us,” said Newman, adding that advice from past Miss Hospitalitywinners was also beneficial.

She is also grateful for the support of her parents and otherfamily members. Participating in the state Junior Miss program twoyears ago as the Lincoln County representative has also been a bighelp, said Newman.

“I also want to tank all the local businesses who supported me.It meant a lot to me and has helped me greatly in getting ready forthe state Miss Hospitality,” she added.

The week’s activities will conclude with a luncheon Saturday andthe top 10 competition that evening.

Cards and letters may be sent to: Katie Newman,Brookhaven/Lincoln County, USM Miss Hospitality, P.O. Box 5016,Hattiesburg, MS 39406.