Ruth man gets 28 years in jail, 43 on probation

Published 5:00 am Monday, August 19, 2002

A Ruth man was ordered to serve 28 years in prison for burglary,armed robbery, conspiracy and kidnapping during sentencing hearingsFriday in Lincoln County Circuit Court.

Johnny Lee Wallace, 19, of 3629 Winnrose Lane, Ruth, wassentenced to a total of 71 years after pleading guilty earlier inthe week to two counts of burglary of a dwelling, conspiracy, armedrobbery and kidnapping. The incidents, which included one victimbeing put in a closet, happened in March.

“It’s a drop in the bucket as far as what he could have had toserve,” Judge Mike Smith said about the amount of jail time.

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Wallace’s grandmother had sought leniency, citing personalissues, a drug problem and being with the “wrong crowd.”

“He’s young and got a lot of learning to do,” she said.

However, Assistant District Attorney Diane Jones said theoffenses were not the first for Wallace. Prosecutors had soughthabitual status for Wallace, meaning every day of the sentencewould be served, but a “clerical error” during the plea agreementprocess prevented that.

“We would ask for Mr. Wallace to serve some serious time,” Jonessaid in court Friday.

The remainder of Wallace’s sentence following his release was tobe served on post release supervision. He was also ordered to pay a$5,000 fine and $12,880 in restitution and to seek alcohol and drugtreatment while incarcerated.

In other court action, Virginia Bogan, 25, of 1111 Crooked Lane,was ordered to serve five years of a total 20-year sentence afteradmitting to one count of shooting into a vehicle and two counts ofaggravated assault. The remainder was to be served on post releasesupervision.

“You just can’t shoot into a car and not expect to do sometime,” Smith said after Bogan claimed she was being stalked by theother people involved.

Bogan was also ordered to pay a $1,000 fine, a restitutionamount to be determined and to seek anger managementcounseling.

Other defendants who pleaded guilty last week and were sentencedFriday included:

* Keesler Rockingham, 37, of 880 Baldwin Loop — unlawfulpossession of cocaine. He was sentenced to four years, suspendedfor five years probation, to pay a $250 fine and to perform 100hours of community service either for the Exchange Club orBrookhaven Outreach Ministries.

* Kevin Brothern, 31, of 127 Fourth Trail — three indictmentsinvolving unlawful possession and unlawful sale of cocaine. He wassentenced to serve five years of a total 10-year sentence, with theremainder on post release supervision, a $4,000 fine and $100restitution.

* Lapatrick Kawait Daniels, 25, of 1274 Brookway BoulevardExtension — eight counts of burglary. He was sentenced to fouryears on each count and given the opportunity to earn probationthrough the Regimented Inmate Discipline (RID) program.

Following his RID release, the remaining up to 32 years was tobe served on post release supervision and he was to complete a termat the restitution center until $2,050 is paid. He was also orderedto pay a $1,000 fine.

* William Earl Hughes, 33, exact address unavailable –attempted burglary and four counts of burglary. He was sentenced toserve 20 years of a total 35-year sentence, with the remainder onpost release supervision. He was also ordered to make fullrestitution, pay a $1,000 fine and to seek alcohol and drugtreatment.

* Christopher Smith, 19, of 299 Georgia Ave. — first degreearson. He was sentenced to eight years and ordered to serve thefirst two, with the remaining six suspended for five yearsprobation. He was also ordered to pay $2,500 fine, $5,000restitution, and to obtain his GED, anger management counseling andalcohol and drug treatment.

* Tony L. Piggs, 18, of 1201 North Center St. — unlawfulpossession of marijuana. He was sentenced to two years, suspendedfor five years probation and placed in the RID program. He was alsoto pay a $1,000, $50 restitution and to obtain his GED and alcoholand drug treatment.

After sentencing several younger defendants, Smith encouragedthem to take advantage of services that would help them.

“Get yourself in church and get yourself straight,” Smith saidseveral times Friday.

Sentencing for another defendant, Jatran Sanders, 19, of 804 DowSt. — uttering forgery, was delayed pending outcome of a mentalevaluation.

Citing two jail flooding incidents involving Sanders, Smith hadsentence the man to a year in jail. However, the judge rescindedthe sentence after Sanders’ father sought help from the court.