BC boy recovering from WNV

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 3, 2002

A 14-year-old Bogue Chitto boy is recovering well after beingdiagnosed with the West Nile virus, his mother said.

The family requested to remain anonymous.

Three people in Lincoln County have tested positive for thevirus. The boy was the third.

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There are currently nearly 100 positive cases of West Nile inthe state, and three deaths have been attributed to it.

The boy’s mother said he was taken to the hospital early weekbefore last with headaches and other symptoms.

Most WNV infections are without symptoms, but those that dodisplay symptoms often complain of fever, headache and body aches,skin rash and swollen lymph glands. Severe cases may also be markedby neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors,convulsions, muscle weakness and paralysis, according to theMississippi State Department of Health.

Brookhaven’s first victim, Dianna Roberson, described thesymptoms as a severe case of the flu combined withmononucleosis.

When the boy was taken to the hospital, doctors suspected WestNile and made several tests, his mother said.

“He had traces of the virus in his spinal tap,” she said.

The boy missed school the previous week, but returned Monday,his mother said.

“He didn’t have a full-blown case,” she said. “Most people whoget the virus do not even know they have it. Their immune systemsare strong enough to fight it off.”

He is taking anti-biotics to fight the virus and boost hisdefenses, she said. He will return to the doctor in two weeks forfollow-up tests.