Silent Parade to mark 9-11 here
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Firefighters, law enforcement officers and medical servicespersonnel will lead a Silent Parade through Brookhaven Wednesday asthe community turns out to remember the tragedy of Sept. 11,2001.
“The parade is a way of remembering and honoring those who losttheir lives in our national tragedy and also to honor our local lawenforcement, firefighters and emergency services workers,” saidChandler Russ, executive vice-president of the Brookhaven-LincolnCounty Chamber of Commerce.
Russ said the chamber has received a good response from thecommunity following the announcement of the parade plans. The ideaof a silent parade began in North Carolina and Brookhaven isfollowing suit.
“I think we’ll have a solid crowd,” Russ said.
Wednesday’s parade will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the governmentcomplex and head west on Chickasaw Street. Russ said the parade isexpected to last about 30 minutes.
“We hope those people will take that time to come out andremember those who lost their lives and honor our emergencyservices personnel,” Russ said
Onlookers are encouraged to fall in behind emergency servicesvehicles and travel the rest of the parade route. Russ said alimited number of American flags, donated by the BrookhavenExchange Club, will be available, but citizens may want to bringtheir own.
From Chickasaw Street, the parade will go north on RailroadAvenue to Monticello Street and then west. At Whitworth Avenue, theparade will turn south and go to Cherokee Street.
After turning west, the parade will conclude at LamptonAuditorium.
At Lampton Auditorium, parade participants are invited to singthe National Anthem and “God Bless America,” which will be led byTom Moak. Silent Parade activities will conclude with a publicprayer, offered by the Rev. Larry Jointer of Saint James MissionaryBaptist Church.
Brookhaven Fire Chief Paul Cartwright said he was hoping for aquiet and smooth day as the local community and rest of the nationremembers the Sept. 11 tragedy. He expressed appreciation for therecognition of emergency services personnel and was looking forwardto the parade.
“I think it’s a great thing,” Cartwright said.
On a technical note, the parade route will carry it down WestCherokee Street where crews are working on water line taps forbusinesses as part of the Whitworth Fire Loop project. WaterDepartment Superintendent Lanny Dickey said he will ask crews tostop work during parade activities.
Also, Dickey said he ask the fire department to wash down thestreet in an effort to keep dust to a minimum. Cartwright said hisdepartment has been doing that and other activities to assist withthe project.
“We try to help any way we can,” Cartwright said.