Tenn. father, son face drug charges
Published 5:00 am Friday, September 13, 2002
A Tennessee father and son face drug charges in Lincoln Countyafter a large amount of marijuana was found in one of two livestocktrailers they were pulling Thursday on Interstate 55, saidnarcotics officers.
Edward Hal Huie, 60, of 3640 Jonesmill Crossland Road, Puryear,Tenn., was charged with possession of marijuana with intent by theLincoln County Sheriff’s Department after a traffic stop on I-55around 1:30 a.m. Thursday, said Narcotics Agent Chris Picou.
“I pulled him over after I saw him riding too close to the carin front of him,” said Picou. “After talking to him for a while, Icould tell he was nervous and his story didn’t make any sense.”
The older Huie gave consent to search his 1994 Dodge 3/4 tondiesel truck and cattle trailer, which was hauling two cows.
“I went ahead and ran the dog on it, and Rico alerted to thefront of the trailer,” said Picou.
Picou said he then stepped inside the cattle trailer and pushedpass the two cows to find a feed bag with seven bricks of marijuanain it.
The bricks, which were sealed in air tight packages, weigh alittle over five pounds each, and have a total street value ofabout $40,000, said Picou.
The officer was impressed that Rico was able to pick up on thescent of marijuana despite the efforts taken to hide it.
After the find, narcotics agents wondered if the younger Huie,who was driving another truck and trailer north on I-55, wasinvolved in the transfer of marijuana from Houston, Texas, toTennessee.
“I took the truck and trailer to the sale barn and put the cowsthere temporarily, while Dustin (Bairfield) went looking for Huie’sson,” said Picou.
Bairfield spotted Huie on I-55 in Copiah County, but could notpull him over due to jurisdictional restrictions. He contacted theMadison County Sheriff’s Department’s narcotics agents to be on thelook out for the vehicle.
The 1994 Dodge dually diesel, pulling a a trailer with a quarterhorse, was pulled over a few hours later, said Picou.
“We determined after talking to him that he was definitelyinvolved in the smuggling of narcotics,” he said.
The driver, Corey Van Huie, 34, of 760 Caldwell Road, Puryear,Tenn., was arrested and charged with conspiracy to possessmarijuana with intent. No marijuana was found in the livestocktrailer, although he told authorities he had marijuana in the cabof the truck earlier, said Picou.
The quarter horse was taken to a veterinarian’s office fortemporary housing. The two trucks and livestock trailers wereconfiscated by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department.
Picou expressed appreciation to the Madison County Sheriff’sDepartment for their cooperation.
“This was just one of those where it all worked out,” saidPicou.