Sinclair gives Wesson boost on offense
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 25, 2002
On Friday nights, Sinclair has been giving the Wesson Cobras abig boost as a senior running back. In his latest outing, Sinclairscored three touchdowns, rushing 55 and 32 yards for TDs andscoring another on a 98-yard kickoff return as the Cobras escapedFranklin County with a 35-26 victory.
For his efforts, Sinclair has been selected The DailyLeader’s Offensive Player of the Week for the fourth week ofthe 2002 football campaign.
“It’s great playing running back and I like it a lot,” saidSinclair Tuesday afternoon, seated on a bench outside Wesson’s new,spacious field house. “I hope everybody stays healthy. Then we cango a lot farther in the playoffs.”
Sinclair (5-8, 160), helped Wesson advance to the third round ofthe Class 2A state playoffs last season. The Cobras captured theRegion 6-2A title and lost to Loyd Star in the third round, postingan 11-2 record under Coach Ronald Greer.
Sinclair and his teammates have worked hard preparing for theseason. “Coach told us to come out here and practice hard everyplay. That carries over to the game when you work hard.”
Nicknamed “E,” Sinclair is powerful despite his short stature.He bench presses 245 pounds and squats with 500. He runs a 4.5 inthe 40-yard dash.
“Emanuel is a real quiet kid; he’s reserved,” said Greer. “He’sa real hard worker and a very versatile player. He has a goodspirit about him and he’s real coachable.”
Greer bears witness to Sinclair’s strength. “I’ve seen him squatwith 500 pounds. He’s very strong in his lower body and he has goodbalance. He is running with more authority this year.”
Sinclair’s favorite running play is 48 Toss. “Our fullback,Russell Robinson, weaves around and blocks the outside linebacker.I get the pitch from our quarterback, Nick Gunter.
“Our offensive line does a good job,” Sinclair pointed out. Heshared the glory with Matt Dyess at right tackle, Earl Bell at lefttackle, Jeff Suggs at center, Ryan Causey at left guard, JoshMcCormick at right guard, Lorenzo Easton at wingback and TomBurgess at tight end.
“I want to give thanks to the Lord,” said Sinclair. “He hasblessed me.”
Occasionally, Sinclair is used at outside linebacker. His olderbrother, Sam, played fullback at Wesson and graduated in 2000.
Looking back at the Franklin County game, Sinclair said specialteams were decisive. “Coach (Philip) Knight works us hard onspecial teams. We spend 30-45 minutes every day on specialteams.”
Both of Sinclair’s parents are deceased. He lives with hissister, Stephanie Gwynes, an English teacher at Wesson.
In his spare time, Sinclair enjoys pulling for the MississippiState Bulldogs. The Washington Redskins are his favorite NFL teamand his favorite player is running back Steven Davis.
Asked about school, Sinclair said he enjoys every subject. “Iwant to play college football. I’ll probably play at junior collegefor two years.”
Last summer Sinclair worked as a lifeguard at Lake John I. Haynear Jackson as part of the Boys & Girls Club. “It was hot butI enjoyed it.”
Sinclair’s football season is even more enjoyable.