Red Cap’ event set for this week

Published 5:00 am Monday, October 14, 2002

A celebration is planned Thursday for anyone who has won a majorbattle and survived the effects of heart disease.

The American Heart Association will host a Red Cap Luncheon forheart disease survivors at 11 a.m., Thursday, at the InezRestaurant in downtown Brookhaven.

“It should be a fun and festive thing for anyone who has had astroke, heart attack, surgery or anything related to heartdisease,” said Red Cap Chairman John Davis.

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The luncheon is open to survivors of all ages, from childrenborn with birth defects to adults who suffered heart attack orstroke.

“Any survivors need be there to say, ‘Hey we made it,'” saidDavis, who had a heart catheterization and angioplasty in March2001.

Other special survivors who will attend the luncheon are thisyear’s Lincoln County Heart Walk poster children: Austin BradyManiscalco and Kolby Wilkinson.

They will be among the survivors, referred to as the Red Caps,who will lead the Heart Walk on Nov. 2, at the Exchange ClubPark.

Money raised through fundraisers for the American HeartAssociation such as the Heart Walk are used to further researchefforts on heart disease.

“It’s an amazing thing to see how far technology has advanced,and it’s through research funded by AHA,” said Davis. “It’s becauseof that we have so many people who can say they are survivors.”

Survivors who would like to pre-register for the luncheon orjust find out more information can call John Davis at 833-3311.