Store owner robbed, shot; suspect ID’d
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 11, 2002
Authorities were kept busy over the weekend searching forsuspects in two armed robberies at Brookhaven conveniencestores.
The suspect in a Saturday evening armed robbery was arrestedminutes after the incident was reported, while authorities continueto look for a suspect in a Friday night armed robbery, saidBrookhaven Police Chief Arlustra “Pap” Henderson.
Henderson is asking for help from the community in locatingBruce Nelson, a 32-year-old black male from the Brookhaven area,wanted in connection with a robbery at R & B One Stop on MainStreet around 9:20 p.m. Friday.
“He was last reported being in Bolton,” said Henderson. “TheBolton Police Department had his vehicle towed for some otherreason, and in the vehicle, they found the weapon we believe wasused in the robbery.”
The recovered pistol appears to match the one carried by the manresponsible for robbing and shooting Hari Singhi, owner of thestore at 413 Main Street, said Henderson.
“The whole thing was caught on video tape,” said Henderson. “Asubject came in with a stocking cap over his head and jumped overthe counter to where the owner was and attempted to shove the ownerto the floor. It looked like he was attempting to hit the owner inthe back of the head when the gun went off.”
Singhi was shot in the head and was left on the floor. Thesuspect then exited the store with an undisclosed amount ofcash.
“When officers arrived at the scene, they found the owner lyingbehind the counter being held by his wife,” said Henderson.
Singhi’s family, including a child and juvenile, were just a fewfeet away in the residential area of the store when the robberyoccurred.
Officers called medical personnel to the scene, and Singhi wastransported via ambulance to King’s Daughters Medical Center. Hewas later flown to a Jackson hospital, where he remainedMonday.
“Talking with friends of the family, he was taken out of theIntensive Care Unit to a private room,” said Henderson.
A warrant for aggravated assault and armed robbery has beenissued for Nelson, who was seen leaving the area around the time ofthe robbery.
“We received some good information from the community in thiscase,” said Henderson. “We want to continue to have a goodrelationship with the community.”
Nelson has a long criminal history with the Brookhaven PoliceDepartment, Henderson said, and will likely be tried as an habitualoffender. Anyone with information about his whereabouts can callthe Brookhaven Police Department at 833-2424 or CrimeStoppers at823-0150.
Another Brookhaven store owner avoided injury after running froman armed robber Saturday.
Surinder S. Uppal, owner of Stop-N-Shop on East MonticelloStreet, ran from behind the counter at his store as soon as asuspect pulled a knife on him around 6:14 p.m., said Henderson.
The suspect was unable to open the cash register, but was ableto take an undisclosed amount of cash from another area of thestore.
“The subject had apparently been in the store before and knewthey cashed checks there. He knew where they kept the cash,” saidHenderson.
Mondrae T. Smith, 22, of 710 Williams Street, was arrested andcharged with armed robbery less than 20 minutes after the incidentwas reported to authorities.
“The witnesses did a fantastic job,” said Henderson. “We wereable to get a good description and direction of travel, whichallowed us to flood the area with officers.”
Smith was arrested about three blocks from the store, wearingthe same type clothing and carrying the same amount of cash stolenfrom store, said Henderson.
He praised officers and investigators for the work they did inthe armed robberies.
“We’re going to make a believer out of these people that they’renot going to commit these crimes and get away with it,” saidHenderson.