Two city residents face drug charges

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Two Brookhaven men were arrested on drug possession charges intwo unrelated incidents over the weekend.

Larry Gatlin, 29, of 1125 South Second Street, was arrested andcharged with possession of marijuana with intent after authoritieswent to his house to investigate numerous complaints about trafficin the area, according to authorities.

“We were receiving a lot of complaints about traffic there.People were in and out of there at all hours,” said DustinBairfield, a narcotics officer with the Lincoln County Sheriff’sDepartment.

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Authorities with the sheriff’s department and MississippiDepartment of Corrections discovered a total of 22 bags ofmarijuana, a small amount of crack cocaine and a few prescriptionpainkillers during a search of the residence.

“On him we found a couple of ounces of marijuana and $1,187 incash,” said Bairfield. “Inside the residence were 20 more bags ofmarijuana, weighing a total of five ounces, some crack cocaine in aprescription bottle, and several painkillers on the floor.”

Along with the drug charges, Gatlin was taken into custody on anMDOC warrant. He was already serving three years probation for thesale of crack cocaine.

During the second arrest in an unrelated case, authoritiesseized more than a pound of marijuana after responding to adisturbance call around 3:20 a.m. Saturday.

While on his way to the call, Deputy Jason Cole met a vehiclematching the description of the vehicle reported causing thedisturbance, so he pulled it over.

“Cole smelled the odor (of marijuana) after he stopped the car,”said Bairfield, adding that Cole than searched the vehicle.

During the search, Cole found six small bags and one large bagof marijuana with measuring scales, along with baggies and $558 incash and a Ruger pistol, said Bairfield.

The driver of the vehicle, Frederick Wells, 18, of 122 ShortStreet, was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana andpossession of paraphernalia.